basque heritage worldwide


Basque Gala in Washington DC: presentation by Xabi Paya bertsoka (in verse), mixing Basque and English


Presentacion of a Basque Gala in Washington DC, June 28, 2016. Host, Xabi Paya, mixing improvised Basque bertsoak (verses) in Basque and English.

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Noka & Mikel Markez - Izpegitik


Basque Californian group Noka and Mikel Markez singing the song Izpegi in Washington DC at the National Mall, Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2016. Noka is a group that sings in Basque formed by three Californian young women: Cathy Petrissans, Andrea Bidart and Begoña Echeverria. Mikel Markez is a Basque singer, composer and guitarrist. They started two years ago and have been working together. (image

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From La Pampa, 'Stories about hidden Argentina': the Basques in Macachin


'Historias de la Argentina secreta' (Stories about hidden Argentina) is a show produced by the Argentine national TV. In 1991, its chapter # 320 was dedicated to Macachin, in the province of La Pampa, under the name 'Los vascos de Macachín' (The Basques in Macachin). The Basque community and club was able to develop many projects in Macachin, a hotel, sport facilities, activities... in perfect armony with the Spanish club and community that also exists in Macachin, as the program says.

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Nevada Governor's Proclamation supporting the Great Basin Basques performing at the 2016 Smithsonian Folklife Festival


Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has proclaimed June 29th as a day in honor of the Basque Heritage and Culture of Nevada. The signed proclamation is issued as a group of local musicians, dancers and educators will represent the state during the Smithsonian National Folk Life Festival in Washington D.C. The "Great Basin Basque" will perform July 7-11 and has been rehearsing and performing locally to raise money for the trip. A little bit over one month apart of the event, the performers are about half-way through their fundraising goal (published and bradcasted by.KENVTV of  Elko, NV).

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Aizkolaris men and women at the Txitxiburduntzi 2016 festival by Euskal Etxea of New England


Aizkolaris (wood choppers) men and women participating last Saturday May 21 at the exhibitions and competitions of 'herri kirolak' (Basque rural sports) as part of the Txitxiburduntzi 2016 festival organized in Connecticut by Euskal Etxea of New England, the New England Basque Club. Look at the video to see the great atmosphere they enjoyed (image Kelli Kerrigan).

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Great Basin Basque Dancers from Elko, NV preparing to perform at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in DC


Maite Moiola from Elko presents at the Elementary School in Mountain View, NV a performance of the Great Basin Dancers, a Basque dance group that will travel this summer to Washington DC July 6-20 to participate in the Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2016, dedicated to the Basques. Mercedes Mendive at the accordion. Donations to help with transportation expenses to DC are highly appreciated.

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Lecture by Basque Argentine professor Cesar Arrondo about the Basques in Argentina


Basque Argentine professor Cesar Arrondo is a historian engaged with the idea that Basque-Argentines should have a better knowledge of their rooths and the Basque and Basque Argentinean culture and history. He has visited many of the one hundred Basque clubs in the country talking about his vision and research on that field. This lecture (1h 05' 17") in Spanish about the Basque diaspora in Argentina was recorded January 29th, 2016 in Arrasate-Mondragon.

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Basque communities in the world are getting prepared to celebrate Aberri Eguna, the Day of the Basque Homeland


Basque centers and communities in the world are getting prepared to celebrate next Sunday Aberri Eguna, the Day of the Basque Homeland. The video shows the Aurresku honoring the Basque and Venezuelan flags danced last year in Eusko Etxea of Caracas, a ceremony that is part of the ritual that Basque Venezuelans organize every year since the creation of the B asque Clubs in the country to celebrate their two rooths and belongings (video Maialen Azpiritxaga).

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Video presenting the city of Donostia-San Sebastian as European Capìtal of Culture 2016


We have selected this video (2' 27''), one of the films created presenting the city of Donostia-San Sebastian as European Capìtal of Culture 2016. Spectacular shots and images of the coastal city capital of the Basque territory of Gipuzkoa with ancient rooths mixed with a strong present and a even more powerful future plenty of history, entrepreneurship, tradition + future, gastronomy, identity, sports, culture, creativity, festivals, tourism, transformative culture... But better than talking about it to watch it.

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Following a Basque tradition, the Madrid Euskal Etxea choir sung St Ageda in the Spanish capital city


The Madrid Euskal Etxea choir and friends sung on February 4th the traditional St Ageda song through the streets surrounding the Basque headquarters in the Spanish capital city.

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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170

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