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The 9th EHMG Seminar will discuss the return of migrants and Basque Exiles on June 18 and 19 in Bilbao


Conference poster
Conference poster


The University of Deusto will be the site on June 18 and 19 of the 9th Euskal Herria Mugaz Gaindi (EHMG) conference entitled, “Reflections on Return Migration and the Basque Exiles.” The event was organized by a scientific committee comprised by experts Pedro J. Oiarzabal, Oscar Alvarez Gila, and Jon Ander Ramos. It will also be attended by the Director of Basque Communities Abroad, Asier Vallejo. Joseba Etxarri, director of, is also among the presenters and will talk about the Centennial of New York’s Basque club, the first in the US.

Bilbao, Bizkaia.  What was left of their homes when immigrants or exiles returned?  How were they received? What did they contribute materially or immaterially to their country?  What affect did they have on the family or local economy?...These are some of the questions that will be answered during the 9th Euskal Herria Mugaz Gaindi conference that will take place in Bilbao on June 18 and 19.

The conference is entitled, “Reflections on Return Migration and the Basque Exiles,”  and hopes to discuss the phenomenon of return Basque migration, their adaptation, reintegration of these returned immigrants, and exiles, their economic, and social contributions to their homeland.  The conference was created in 2004 by a network of researchers on the presence of Basque-Navarrese in the world Ikertzaileak and this event is subsidized by the University of Deusto, the Provincial Government of Bizkaia, the Basque Government, and the University of the Basque Country with the collaboration of, Eusko Ikaskuntza and Huri-Age.


Tuesday, June 18

-9:00-9:15: Inauguration of the 9th seminar international Euskal Herria Mugaz Gaindi. Asier Vallejo, address to the Basque community abroad. Pedro J. Oiarzabal, Oscar Alvarez Gila and Jon Ander Ramos - Scientific Committee.

Morning session: the return in the modern and contemporary world. Moderated by Óscar Álvarez Gila, University of the Basque country (UPV-EHU).

-9:15-10:00: Opening presentation. Juan Andrés Blanco (University of Salamanca): "Memory of emigration".

-10:00-10:30: Alberto Angulo (UPV-EHU). "Indian and returnees in the Basque country during the modern age."

-10:30-11:00: Ana Isabel Ugalde and Arantza Otaduy (UPV-EHU): "The Indies and the social rise of the Mondragon Aranguren".

-11:00-11:30 Coffee break

-11:30-12:00 Alvaro Aragon (UPV-EHU): "Guaraintciac Zacatecasetic. "Ipar Basque emigrazioa Amerikara ring Berriaren bukaeran: amets baten errealitatea eta itzuleraren arazoa".

-12:00-12:30 Koldo San Sebastian (journalist and author specializing in the Basque diaspora): "empty-handed".

-12:30-13:00 Juana Maria Arcelus-Ulibarrena (University of Naples "parthenope", Italy): "with what language the return of Venezuelan exile from 1976-1979?”

-13:00-13:30 Debate.

-13:30-15:00 Lunch

Wednesday, June 19

Morning session: art, literature and cinema. Moderated by Nerea Mujika, Universidad de Deusto.

-9:00-9:30 Arantza Otaduy (UPV-EHU): "Juan de Araoz of Uriarte, adventurer, philanthropist and founder of a convent at Mondragon from the 16th century".

-9:30-10:00 Mercedes Acillona (Deusto University): "Meeting with Oblivion".

-10:00-10:30 Óscar Álvarez Gila (UPV-EHU): "Euskal emigrazioaren itzulera prozesuen inguruko kontrajarri zineman begirada bi: the Basterretxe Mayorazgo (1928) eta my last love (1931)".

-10:30-11:00 Coffee break

-11:00-11:30 Mikel Gorrotxategi (Euskaltzaindia): "returning to the origins: origin and meaning of the Basque surnames".

-11:30-12:00 Joseba Etxarri (Director of "EENY Mendeurrena: AEBetako euskal presentzia antolatuaren ehun urteak".

-12:00-12:30 Pedro J. Oiarzabal (Deusto University): "Oral History: an approach to the study of Basque return migration".

Afternoon session: young researchers. Moderated by Pedro J. Oiarzabal, Universidad de Deusto.

-15:00-15:20 Beñat Cuburu-Ithorotz (Université de Pau et des Pays de L'adour): "travel of return." "Emigration and return in the village of Hazparne, siglos XIX - XX".

-15:20-15:40 Irune Zabala (UPV-EHU): "the Eastern Cantabrian in times of Carlos IV (1788-1808): the corso and the defense of the maritime border."

-15:40-16:00 Jon Ander Ramos (UPV-EHU): "Euskal Herriari begira: eta Villafranca de Oria silver." "Victor Mendizabalen ohiko itzulera ez".

-16:00-16:20 María Eugenia Cruset (National University of La Plata, Argentina): "political action of the Basques in Argentina: nineteenth and early twentieth".

-16:20-16:40 Brief pause

-16:40-17:00 Ania Barczyk (Jagellonian University, Cracow): "Basque exile in Colombia, 20th century".

-17:00-17:20: Ignacio Lardizabal (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina): "the eighth herrialde. First and youth in America."

-17:20-17:40 Gabriela Badica (University of British Columbia, Canada): "The Spanish Civil War's most vulnerable victims: Basque children's exile and returned migration".

-17:40-18:20 Discussion

-Closing of the seminar

-For complete program: here
-To participate, fill out this form by June 12: application
-For more information: / + 34 
944 139 225



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