euskal diaspora eta kultura

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Zoe Bray-ren erakusketa zabalduko dute On Egin euskal jatetxean Berlingo Euskal Etxea lankide


Non: Berlin, Alemania

Erakusketa zabalduko du Zoe Bray-k Berlingo On Egin euskal jatetxean abuztuaren 11ean, 18:00etan, Berlingo Euskal Etxea lankide.

Gaia, Euskal Herriko eta Palestinako artzaintza paisaiak. Jerusalem-en bizi da egun Zoe Bray, aita ingelesa eta ama Iparraldeko euskaldunaren alaba.

Land, sheep, and people: Transformations of Pastoralism in the Basque Country and Palestine

Inspired by the secular tradition of pastoralism, this exhibition shows works of art in small formats, conceived as ‘dioramas’, which depict pastoral scenes in the Basque Country and Palestine. In these two very different contexts, small-scale sheepherding has undergone great transformations over the course of the last decades, at the same time as remaining a fundamental element in the construction of collective identity.

The dioramas are made with recycled cardboard, coming for example from cereal boxes. Painted in watercolor, the scenes in them evoke the contrast between the bucolic and idealized appearance of this traditional way of life and the reality of life today with all its challenges  - political, economic, social and environmental.

About the artist

Zoe Bray is an artist and anthropologist currently based in Jerusalem. Until 2015, she was Professor at the Center for Basque Studies of the University of Nevada Reno, USA. Zoe is French and Basque on her mother’s side and British on her father’s.







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