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The London Euskal Elkartea wants to inaugurate an initiative in October for children to enjoy leisure time in Basque


Porrotx the clown visited kids at the London Basque Society Euskal Elkartea in 2021
Porrotx the clown visited kids at the London Basque Society Euskal Elkartea in 2021


London, England. This is not a new concern, especially in Basque clubs that have young couples from Euskal Herria. Basque parents see how their children are educated at school, how they interact with their neighborhood friends in a context in which Basque is limited to the parent-child family relationship, and lacking in playful and leisure time use with other children.  It is this dimension that the initiative they are determined to launch, after this summer, wants to achieve.

The proposal enjoys the support of the London Basque Society Euskal Elkartea. Directors explain that beginning in October, they will organize a play and free-time group in Euskera, that for now will be once a month.  They have thought about inviting families that live in London as well as in Southern England. “It isn’t easy to give the language continuity if they are only speaking it with their parents in a general environment where the language isn’t spoken,” they said taking steps to make it possible.

“It will take place at the Islington School from noon to 4pm with more details yet to be determined,” they said.  They have teachers and free time schedules in Basque with adapted activities for children of different ages.

If this opportunity interests you, or if you know parents that may be interested, please pass the word and send an email to as soon as possible.

This is an activity and proposal that merits everyone’s support.  If you think you can help, or if you want to share your experience, or materials that you have used in similar experiences in your Basque club, let them know.  In any case, eskerrik asko aldez aurretik, thanks in advance.

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