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Plans are still on track for the time being: the Macachin Basque Club announces the dates for Semana Nacional Vasca 2021


The Basque National Week 2021 is annunced in Argentina November 15-22, if the pandemic allows
The Basque National Week 2021 is annunced in Argentina November 15-22, if the pandemic allows


Macachín, Argentina. For now, the plans for Semana Nacional are still in place, although still awaiting the last Word.  Everything depends on how the health situation evolves.  The Euzko Alkartasuna Basque Club in Macachin continues planning Semana Nacional Vasca in Argentina that had to be cancelled last year due to the pandemic.  Tomas Vicente, club’s spokesperson, said that the date can only be talked about in terms of the “intention” of holding the celebration. “For our part, we are very encouraged; but we know that there are factors that are beyond us.  If the situation improves enough, we will go forward with it,” he explains.

The Basque club has announced a date.  The event will take place from Monday November 15 through Monday November 22nd inclusive since the 22nd is a holiday in Argentina.  Besides the date, they also have the support of Basque clubs that participated in a meeting on March 13th with FEVA’s board of directors.

“We expressed our desire to move forward with the Basque National Week taking the precautions that the situations demand, and they expressed their support as long as the conditions are right.  For us, this support is important because even though we are the organizers, the festivities are of all of us,” Vicente told

Last year the pandemic forced the cancellation of Semana Nacional 2020 that was to take place in Macachin.  Given the situation, clubs that are hosing subsequent versions of Semana Vasca agreed to change their dates so that Euzko Alkartasuna doesn’t lose its chance to host.

Future SNVs are scheduled in the following places, however, everything depends on what happens this year:  

  • Macachín 2021
  • Villa María 2022
  • Necochea 2023
  • Tandil 2024
  • Bahía Blanca 2025

-Euzko Alkartasuna on Facebook Centro Vasco Euzko Alkartasuna

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