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Only one week left to win a DVD on Mendiague from still on time!



Tuesday of next week is the deadline to enter the raffle for five DVDs of the pastoral on the life of the great bertsolari in the Diaspora, Jose Mendiague. If you would like one of them, send an email to with your name, address and phone number. The pastoral was performed in Arrokiaga (Zuberoa) last summer and recorded by Aldudarrak Bideo ( Try and get yours!

Donostia-San Sebastian.  Jose Mendiague (1845-1937) was a poet and a bertsolari who became very beloved in the South American Diaspora, where he arrived from his hometown, Hazparne, at the age of 18. Mendiague worked hard to disseminate the Basque culture and revived the feeling of euskaltzale in the Basque community. is raffling five DVDs of the pastoral on his life, next week, among its readers in the Diaspora as well as in the whole Euskal Herria.

How can you get one of the five DVDs?  It’s easy, just send an email that include your name, address and phone number to: before 11:59 p.m. on May 14th (European continental time).  On May 16th we will publish the results on

Author of the pastoral is musician and creator from Zuberoa Jean Bordaxar, and his hometown, Arrokiaga, was the scene for this work on July 29, 2012.

Jose Mendiague is a very important person in the Diaspora's bertsolaritza but nevertheless was rediscovered by many in Euskal Herria in 1992, when academic Piarres Xarriton gathered and published his complete work.  Even though he was born in Aldude, Mendiague lived in Hazparne until he was 18, when he left for America and live in Argentina, Chile and most of all in Uruguay. He wrote in Basque and some of his works were published in magazines like Euskal Erria and Haitza in Montevideo as well as in Eskualduna and Eskualdun Ona in Baiona, among others.


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