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Historian Dr. Pedro Oiarzabal to conduct an Oral History workshop at the CBS in Reno


Historian Dr. Pedro J. Oiarzabal
Historian Dr. Pedro J. Oiarzabal


An Oral History workshop, focusing on Basque immigration to the US, will be offered at the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno on August 10. The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Pedro J. Oiarzabal historian and expert researcher on the Basque Diaspora who is currently in the US conducting extensive research on the subject in many Basque communities of the American West. The workshop was organized with the collaboration of NABO (North American Basque Organizations), the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno and the University of Deusto.

Reno, NV.  The Oral History workshop that will take place on August 10 at the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Reno was organized as part of NABO’s “Gurea” (Ours) program whose aim is to teach participants the methodology of recording the oral history of the community through personal interviews. 

According to NABO, Oral History “is at the same time the oldest method of preserving local history, predating written word, as well as one of the most modern, beginning with sound recordings in 1940.”

The workshop will last one day and will provide attendees with an overview of oral history methodology, and provide specific guidelines for the interviews on which this system is based.  The workshop is split into four thematic modules of one hour and a half.  The first focuses on oral history, the second on the interview process, the third will discuss the ethics of oral interviews, and the fourth will explain how to process materials gathered during the interviews. 

-For more information, write to Pedro Oiarzabal, here, or visit NABO’s website here



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