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Euskara Munduan’s Winter Barnetegi in Argentina comes to a close with a visit from Sara Pagola


Euskara Munduan students with Kinku Zinkunegi, Gabriela Mendia, Gabriel Arce and Sabrina Otegui in front of the Basque club (photo Valeria G. Oyarzabal)
Euskara Munduan students with Kinku Zinkunegi, Gabriela Mendia, Gabriel Arce and Sabrina Otegui in front of the Basque club (photo Valeria G. Oyarzabal)


Under the auspices of HABE and FEVA the second intensive course of the Euskara Munduan program 2013-2016 to train future teachers of Euskara came to a close last Saturday. The week of work was intense but hasn’t scared students away as they already are considering their next meeting in January. As planned, Sara Pagola visited Zazpirak Bat to give a talk to club members. During her visit, the Basque Government Delegate for Argentina and Mercosur met and conversed with students and teachers in the Euskara Munduan program.

Rosario, Argentina.  Just shy of its twenty-fifth birthday, the training program for Basque teachers outside of Euskal Herria is more alive and healthier than ever.  The chain has not been broken and today Basque language instruction is not only guaranteed in a large number of Basque clubs in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, but teachers trained in the program have also been asked to teach in university language laboratories.

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[Winter Barnetegi 2013]

Those responsible for the program continue to bet on this methodology and after the last cycle (2008-2012) have begun another plan that began last January in San Nicolas and will conclude in 2016.  This new group, that is now taking their first steps on this road to training includes the following participants:


-Iara Ulacia y Maitena Echepare (Zingirako Euskaldunak, Chascomús)
-Mariana Grande Cobian (Euskaltzaleak, Buenos Aires)
-Sebastián Amaya (Eusketxe, Buenos Aires)
-Cecilia Elena and Mariano Silva Torrea (Colectividad Vasca, Concordia)
-Gabriela Aguirre and María Noemí Armendariz (Gerora, Córdoba)
-Aldana Nerea Ariznabarreta (Denak Bat, Mar del Plata)
-María Begoña Tisera (Euzkal Etxea, San Nicolás)
-María Valeria Oyarzabal (Zelaiko Euskaldunak, Santa Rosa)
-Vanesa Andrea Bauer and Inés Olazabal (Gure Etxea, Tandil)
-Silvio Alfredo Laborde (Hiru Erreka, Tres Arroyos)
-Martín Colombet (Toki Eder, José C. Paz)
-Cynthia Uberuaga (Gure Txokoa, Azul)
-Florencia Denis (Eusko Etxea, Villa María) 


-Maite García Alava (Eusko Alkartasuna, Sao Paulo)
-María Madalena Silva Alves de Ataide and Thiago Imperatriz Barros Pereira (Eusko-Brasildar Etxea, Sao Paulo)


-Christian Etxeberria (Euzko Etxea, Santiago)
-Camila Andrea García Galvez and Carolina Andrea Andonaegui Arancibia (Eusko Etxea, Valparaíso)


-María Gloria Zuazola Castro and Paola Rossano Ampo (Euskal Erria, Montevideo)
-María Laura Moreno Sasiain (Haize Hegoa, Montevideo)
-María Ángela Juanena Beraza y María Noel Arrua Piccion (Euskaldunen Taldea, Salto)

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 [During her trip to Rosario, Delegate Sara Pagola spent an hour visiting with Barnetegi students (photo]

As one can see, the list gathers representative from various Basque clubs and countries meeting face-to-face which was the optimum opportunity for Sara Pagola, the new Delegate of the Basque Goverment in Argentina-Mercosur to fulfill her wish to get to know the future teachers and strengthen ties with the Basque clubs that they represent.   In this way, it should be noted that Pagola, as part of her visit to Rosario, gave a talk on Foreign Action in Euskadi. She also shared her own experiences in Basque with the students of Euskara Munduan that students also had the opportunity to share in turn.

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[Talk by Sara Pagola to Zazpirak Bat about the policy of the Department of Foreign Action as part of Urkullu’s Government, presented by club president Javier Oteiza (photo]

In regards to the hosting club, the “Zazpi” in Rosario was very happy to be the site for this intensive course and the closing dinner last Friday where gifts were presented to all the participants.


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