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Create your holiday card with your photos and Basque characters and send it from your phone with the ZoriON app.


Argitxo and many other characters can be added to your holiday card with "ZoriON"
Argitxo and many other characters can be added to your holiday card with "ZoriON"


The Association of Ikastolas of Euskal Herria – Euskal Herriko Ikastolen Elkartea has created an app to create personalized holiday cards with typical Basque characters. It is called “ZoriON” and is available for Android phones. The app. is free and allows users to create cards using their own photos and adding characters like the Olentzero and Mari Domingi, Argitxo, Ttantto, Txirritx and Xango, trikitilaris…. Include the text that you want and that’s it! You can send these to family and friends through social media or text message. The app. is available in Basque, English, Spanish and French.

Donostia-San Sebastian.  If you are looking for that special holiday card for family and friends, encourages you to create your own.  The Euskal Herriko Ikastolen Elkartea provides a free app that is very easy to use: “ZoriON.”

The app. is available for Android phones and it has an intuitive interface that can be used by the youngest in the house.

The first step, logically, is to download the app.  To do that, go to Google Play and search “ZoriON.” Or go to GooglePlay’s website and download “ZoriON” from there.

Once the app. is installed and working, the following step is to choose the background, characters and other parts of the card.  The background section includes options to use your own family photo, and then add characters or other elements. Finally, just include your message and that’s it!  The card can be sent to your contacts through social media or via text.

This app. will be especially fun for kids, since there are several characters that they will recognize like Argitxo, Ttantto, Txirritx and Xango, as well as the Olentzero and Mari Domingi.

The app. is available in Basque, Spanish, English and French.


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