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The law on Cultural Heritage will include all Basque culture, “the three provinces, Navarre, Iparralde and the Diaspora”


Parliamentarian Jasone Agirre along with other members of Parliament with the Lehendakari at the last Semana Vasca in Mar del Plata
Parliamentarian Jasone Agirre along with other members of Parliament with the Lehendakari at the last Semana Vasca in Mar del Plata


Donostia-San Sebastián. In a note from EH Bildu it was emphasized that the Law on Basque Cultural Heritage, currently at the Basque Parliament, will refer to all of Basque culture “in its broadest sense, beyond the administrative boundaries of the Basque Country." "We have reached an agreement with the Government to pass the law after correcting the shortcomings of the initial project during the proceedings,” includes the note made available to us by Parliamentarian, Jasone Agirre.

The note indicates that EH Bildu has come to an agreement in this sense with the Government in relation to the approval of this legal text devoted to the projection of intangible heritage.

“A consequence of the current administrative framework, the law will collect measures and instruments for Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, but since culture does not understand administrative partitions; the greater objective of EH Bildu during the proceedings has been to place the Basque culture as a whole at the center, form a broad perspective,” it explains.

In this way, the new law will refer, in several of its points, “to the whole of Basque culture in its broadest sense.  We cannot deny that Navarre, Ipar Euskal Herria and the Diaspora are part of the Basque culture, and so the law will address this reality in a coordinated manner and to protect and promote the Basque cultural heritage in its entirety, as well as expressly include, in an additional provision, the collaboration and cooperation with the Government of Navarre and the Commonwealth of Iparralde, in matters of cultural Heritage,” the note concludes.

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