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The Gure Txoko Basque Club in Valladolid celebrated the Basque Diaspora Day with men and women Herri Kirolak


Demonstration of Trontzalaris in Valladolid on September 18th to celebrate the Day of the Basque Diaspora
Demonstration of Trontzalaris in Valladolid on September 18th to celebrate the Day of the Basque Diaspora


Valladolid, Spain. The re-entry of September, the beginning of a new academic year, and the celebration of the Day of the Basque Diaspora have been propitious occasions at many Basque clubs around the world.  For many, at the dawn of some improvement in data regarding the pandemic in different countries, where important steps have been taken to meet in person again, that strive to return to “normality.” That is what the Gure Txoko Basque Club in Valladolid did, organizing a Herri Kirolak (traditional Basque sports) demonstration which was favorably received by local people attending.

Gure Txoko shares its joy of being able to hold this first in person event on September 18th with, to begin the new school year with a heartfelt celebration “in style,” for the Day of the Basque Diaspora.  “We had a great time, we really wanted to get together and celebrate at the txoko.  It has been a luxury to be able to count on the excellent athletes who traveled from Euskal Herria to participate in our event.”

“We would like to thank harrijasotzailes Inaxio Perurena and Aroa Sánchez who accepted our invitation. As well as aizkolaris Uxue Ansorregi and Mikel Agirre, although Mikel got hurt and in the end David España came in his place.” The locals applauded the exhibitions with stones, axes and the trontza (saw) with much pleasure. “And look from where, we found out that in Castilla, in a town in Segovia, there is a group that began a few years ago to practice as aizkolaris and harrijasotzailes".

Zorionak, Valladolideko Gure Txoko, and hopefully this great start will mark an even better year!

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