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The Government of Navarre has compiled songs to celebrate, have fun, and learn Basque for children and adults online


This may be of interest to clubs in the Diaspora that would like to incorporate games and songs in Basque into their activities
This may be of interest to clubs in the Diaspora that would like to incorporate games and songs in Basque into their activities


Pamplona-Iruña. The website “Euskara Irakasteko Abestiak” (Songs to Teach Basque) from the Government of Navarre provides a online compilation of songs and themes, traditional and modern, that may be useful in Basque classes and other fun activities, as well as for communities in the Diaspora, in Basque clubs and Navarrese centers. This service is provided by the Department of Education and the fruit of a joint project with the EIBZ Service that coordinates its educational resources in Basque, and the Section of Euskera Euskara Atala.  In its various sections for children as well as adults.

Educators of small children, or those in elementary education may use this material in their games; however the website also includes songs and videos by authors and modern musical groups that can serve as support in Basque class, in this case more suited for young adults and adults.

It is divided in two parts: “Haur eta Lehen hezkuntza,” (Children and Elementary Education), and “Bigarren Hezkuntza eta Helduak,” (Secondary Education and Adults).

The first section includes themes and songs, games and videos suited for children under the following headings:

01. Zotz egiteko (Cast lots)
02. Errutinak (Routines
03. Urtebetetzea (Birthday)
04. Koloreak (Colors)
05. Zenbakiak eta letrak (Numbers & Letters)
06. Animaliak (Animals)
07. Egutegia (Calendar)
08. Eguraldia (Weather)
09. Minak eta gaixotasunak (Pains and Illnesses)
10. Emozioak eta aldarteak (Emotions and Moods)
11. Jantziak eta oinetakoak (Clothing and Shoes)
12. Garraiobideak (Transportation)
13. Eguneroko ekintzak (Everyday Activities)
14. Gorputz atalak (Parts of the Body)
15. Gorputz ekintzak (Exercises)
16. Janariak eta jatorduak (Food)
17. Lanbideak (Professions)
18. Kirolak eta zaletasunak (Sports and Hobbies)
19. Olentzero eta Eguberriak (Olentzero & Christmas)
20. Herriko jaiak (Popular Holidays)
21. Urteko ospakizunak (Celebrations)
22. Euskara (Euskera)
23. Lasaitzeko (To Relax)
24. Musika tresnak (Musical Instruments)
25. Ipuin klasikoak (Classic Stories)

The second part includes modern songs and videos that can help support Basque classes in ways explained in this Excel. These are the themes, indicating the author, what they can illustrate and the video and lyrics or Karaoke of each song:

-Anek idatzi dit zutaz (Mikel Urdangarin). To work on: Subordinate clauses: -(e)la. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Da (Zea Mays). To work on: Questions. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Dantza gaitezen hil arte (Modus operandi). To work on: Adjectives, suffixes. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Ezetz esatea (Ruper Ordorika). To work on: zein zaila/goxoa den... -t(z)ea. Bideoaletra
-Hainbeste (Izaro). To work on: Comparisons: beste, Hainbeste. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Ilargia (Ken Zazpi). To work on: commands, relative clauses: -(e)na, konpletiboak, -t(z)eko. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Joan zinetenetik (Bide ertzean). To work on: Time frames (noiztik), (e)netik. Bideoaletra
-Kolore bizia (Negu gorriak). To work on: zeren/noren kontra. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Konplize ditut (Mikel Markez eta Aire Ahizpak). To work on: adjectives, realtives Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Lagunaren heriotza (Ruper Ordorika). To work on: -adjetiboak, nor-nori:sartu zaigu, partitiboa. Bideoaletra
-Lasai, lasai (Huntza). To work on: Aspect, myself, ote. Bideoa (Euskadiko Orkestrarekin), karaoke-letra
-Libre (Sagarroi). To work on: Subjunctive. Bideoaletra
-Loretxoa (Lertxundi). To work Nor-nori-nork, dio/dizkio; zertarako, -t(z)eko, Bideoa, (ExkixuGatibuSonakayGo!azen), letra
-Nahiago nuke (Benito Lertxundi). To work on: Conditionals and Hypotheticals, hipotetikoa. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Nire aitaren etxea (Eñaut Elorrieta). To work on: Future -ko/go, zeren/noren kontra, -(r)ik gabe. Bideoakaraokea
-Onerako da (Ruper Ordorika). To work on: nork. Bideoaletra
-Pixka bat es mucho (Nahike, Mikel eta Iñigo). To work on: professions, commands, suffixes, -ari. Bideoklipakaraoke-letra
-Txanpon baten truke (Alaitz eta Maider). To work on: zeren truke, relatives. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Txoria txori (Mikel Laboa). To work on: conditional past. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Zure begiek (Mikel Markez). To work on: nor-nork present, nork singular and plural. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Zurekin (Mikel Urdangarin). To work on: non, noren, nongo. Bideoakaraoke-letra
-Zurekin dantzatu nahi nuke (Bide ertzean). To work on: consequence conditional concessives - in spite of, despite etc.. Bideoaletra

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