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The exhibit on the 25th anniversary of Argentinan Euskaraz begins its Basque club tour in Tandil


First year students at the College De la Sierra at the exhibit on Basque
First year students at the College De la Sierra at the exhibit on Basque


The exhibit concludes its time in Tandil after a very successful inauguration ceremony attended by a large audience, including high schools, and will now travel to Tres Arroyos where it will be on display until October 5.   The tour will then continue to Azul, Coronel. Pringles and Macachin and will arrive in Buenos Aires by mid-November. 

Tandil, Argentina.   Entitled, “In the Footsteps of Euskera.  The Basque language and its present in Argentina,” the exhibit created by the Delegation of Euskadi in Argentina and Mercosur, with the collaboration of HABE and FEVA, summarizes the history and the current situation of the language of the Basques, and above all its present in Argentina since the Argentinan Euskaraz program.

Comprised of 19 panels, the exhibit was created in a format appropriate for touring cities and Basque clubs and fulfilling the major goal of its diffusion.  Its first stop was Tandil where it will be displayed through today.

The exhibit’s inauguration took place at the Gure Etxea in Tandil on September 19.  The ceremony included a welcome from club president, Marily Harguindeguy, and a talk by Isidro Legarreta and Valeria Aramburu.  Mr. Legarreta was the first Basque club teacher and Valeria Aramburu was trained and later served as a teacher as part of this successful program.

In front of the community

The goal of the exhibit is also to surpass the limits of the Basque clubs and the Tandil club did so since during the week that it has been open, the exhibit was visited by students in their first year at the College De la Sierra.  Accompanied by Valeria Aramburu, who is also a teacher, the youth could delve into he contents on each panel.

In Tres Arroyos on Tuesday; later Azul Cnel. Pringles, Macachin…

Following the scheduled tour that the Delegation organized along with Basque clubs, the exhibit will be in Tandil today, and then will travel to Tres Arroyos.  There, it will be shown at the Hiru Erreka Basque club from September 29, through October 5, every day from 19:00-21:00hs.  Admission is free and the club’s bar will also be open.

After its stay in Tres Arroyos, the exhibit will then travel to Azul, Coronel Pringles and will finally arrive in Macachin to be part of the Semana Nacional program from October 26-November 2.  In mid-November it will return to Buenos Aires to be present for the Euskara Day Festivities and the 25th Anniversary of Euskara Munduan.

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