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The Euskal Etxea in Mallorca provided talks at schools about Euskera and Basque culture, singing Txoria Txori


The Artea Euskal Etxea in Mallorca is preparing to celebrate the Day of Navarre as well as ENE, the International Day of Euskera
The Artea Euskal Etxea in Mallorca is preparing to celebrate the Day of Navarre as well as ENE, the International Day of Euskera


Mallorca, Spain. In response to a request, the Artea Basque Club in Mallorca has given talks in Palma at schools presenting a panorama of Basques, Euskera and Basque culture.  For the majority of the students this was their first introduction to Euskal Herria, its language and culture, as well as to the existence of the eighth Basque province and Basque communities and clubs worldwide.  The activity was conducted by Aingeru Merlo, member of Artea who answered questions.  The youth listened to Euskera for the first time, and concluded by singing “Txoria txori,” following the lyrics in Basque and Catalan.

“Besides what they learn from books, the idea was to provide them a way of first hand contact with the reality at the same time near and far that our culture can be for them, taking into consideration that than their own experience as Catalan speakers,” Aingeru Merlo explained to  “We reviewed some practical phrases, greetings, numbers, the family and have also talked about symbols like the Eguzkilore.”

One of the sessions taught by the Euskal Etxea in Mallorca

“They are students in 5th and 6th grade between the ages of 11 and 12 and their questions revolved, for example, around the absence of gender in Basque, similar as in English, but different from Catalan and Spanish…how to construct phrases…mythology…They liked ‘Txoria txori’ and its universal love message linked to respect and freedom” he concluded.

Students and teachers were enthusiastic about how it went and so hope to repeat the experience.

Euskal Etxea Artea during the pandemic

In these difficult times conditioned by the pandemic, the Artea Euskal Etxea in Mallorca has achieved “maintaining everything that is maintainable, scrupulously respecting the measures dictated by the health authorities.”  This is how they continue, “In person Basque classes as well as online, and they have also added a conversation group once a week.  They also continue their Saturday Txalaparta gatherings outside, depending on the rain.  Dance and music classes are still cancelled along with pintxo-potes.”   

“We have programmed a concert at the end of the month for a dual celebration of the Day of Navarre and the International Day of Euskera.  We do not know if we can hold it yet, but it is there for now.  Our Batzarre (Annual Assembly) and the Olentzero dinner are both pending, as the norms related to Coronavirus change every day,” the club spokesperson said.

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