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Thanks to Cordobatarrak, today will be the night of Basque dance at “All the World is in Alta Gracia”


Poster announcing "Around the World in Alta Gracia"
Poster announcing "Around the World in Alta Gracia"


This is one of the most important community and cultural tourism festivals in Argentina. As every year, the dantzaris from the Gure Txokoa Basque club in Cordoba will represent the Basque community at the Festival of Communities of Alta Gracia. The event will take place today, February 7th, and is only the beginning of a very active year for the youth in the club that celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. The show will begin at 22:00 and will take place on two stages set up for the show in Alta Gracia in the province of Cordoba in Argentina.

Alta Gracia, Argentina. It began on Feb. 1st and will end tomorrow. 'Todo el mundo en Alta Gracia' (literally, 'all the world in Alta Gracia') is one of the most famous festival of collectivities in Argentina and its program includes the performance of Basque dancers, from the Gure Txokoa Basque club of Cordoba city. Folk dancers and performers from various origins, led by artists and renowned ballets on stage.

In the case of the Basque Country, the Basques are represented every year by the dantzaris of Cordobatarrak who will perform six typical dances for the audience including: Axera makil, Azken dantza, Urratsak, Arku Mistoak, Fandango and Arin Arin. In this way, and by sporting the colors of the Ikurriña, the youth of Gure Txokoa will once again guarantee the Basque presence at one of the most important community festivals in the country.  Presentations will begin at 22:00 at the Predio del Ferrocarril.

A year of work, festivities, and anniversary

According to the club, the year that has just begun will bring much work for their youth along with it.  On the one hand, they continue with the website project in order to share Basque music for free, with anyone interested.  According to Aletxu Lamaver, one of the creators of, the idea was very well-received by users.  “In a very short time – it began last November – we have had more than 6,000 reproductions, 7,000 downloads and almost 10,000 visits. That’s not bad at all.  Now we are preparing an album of “Jauzis” and if everything goes well it will be available on Monday.”

At the same time, and towards the end of February, members of Cordobatarrak will gather to organize activities to raise money for their 8th Gathering of Dancers in Cañuelas.  And if that wasn’t enough, they are already committed for the club’s 60th anniversary festivities that will be celebrated with a large program of events.  The program will be published as soon as the activities for June are confirmed.  


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