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Ten groups from the Diaspora will join in the Euskal Herria Dantzari Eguna this Saturday. Is yours one of them?


The event was planned for Baztan, but the pandemic obliged that it be celebrated locally, shared on social media, with a video then sent to EDB
The event was planned for Baztan, but the pandemic obliged that it be celebrated locally, shared on social media, with a video then sent to EDB


Donostia-San Sebastian. Ten dance groups from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, St Pierre et Miquelon and the US will join in the celebration of Euskal Herriko Dantzari Eguna this Saturday, October 3rd.  Initially planned to take place in Baztan (Navarre), the situation caused by the pandemic obliged some changes, and so finally, this year, every group will dance in their hometowns and will be featured throughout the day on social media.  After the day, oOnce all of the dance videos have been received, a compilation of them will become part of the EDB archives “to remind us of the strange year we are living.”  

In all there will be 56 groups participating in the initiative organized by the Euskal Dantzarien Biltzarra (EDB), 10 of which from the Diaspora.

-Arima Gazte (Centro Vasco in Azul, Azul, Argentina)
-Eusko Hazia (Centro Vasco Zingirako Euskaldunak, Chascomús, Argentina)
-Ugarritzak (Centro Vasco Euskaldunak Denak Bat, Arrecifes, Argentina)
-Gazte Alai (Necocheako Euzko Etxea, Necochea, Argentina)
-Gure Ametza (Euzko Alkartasuna, Macachín, Argentina)
-Denak Bat (La Platako Euzko Etxea, La Plata, Argentina)
-Eusko Indarra (Centro Haize Hegoa, Montevideo, Uruguay)
-Itxaropen Gaztea (Euzko Etxea, Santiago, Chile)
-Utah'ko Triskalariak (Utah Basque Club, Salt Lake City, AEB)
-Orok Bat (Euskal Etxea, St Pierre et Miquelon, France)

The main objective that EDB has for this particular edition is to support the continuity of the work done to promote and spread Basque folklore and the dances from Euskal Herria performed by the groups.  All of this taking into account the health and safety recommendations in force in each community.  The message is clear: “We have to start resuming activity.  To do this, we must take the necessary precautions to ensure safe conditions in line with the time we live in,” they emphasized.

To contact Euskal Dantzarien Biltzarra, email or call (+34) 690 81 25 14.


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