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New raffle by CDs by Maral, Kalakan, and Zuberoa and a book “Becoming Basque”


ADVERTISING is giving you another chance to participate in a raffle.  Items include a book, two CDs and one double CD: a book Becoming Basque, Ethnic Heritage on Boise’s Grove Street edited by John Bieter, John Ysursa and Dave Lachiondo, about the Basque heritage in Boise, ID; albums by Maral, “Songs for after Dinner,” with traditional Basque songs performed by the Basque-Argentine group; Kalakan’s “b­aldeak” and the double CD of “Xiberoko dantza jauziak” ,which is essential for any dance group.  Four great prizes to choose from.  All you have to do is send an email. 

Donostia-San Sebastian. is beginning a new raffle today giving you the chance to receive one of the four great prizes at your home.  To enter, just send an email to, with “Raffle” in the subject line and include your name, address and a telephone number, as well as which prize you would prefer.  The prizes (choose one) are:

  1. Becoming Basque, Ethnic Heritage on Boise's Grove Street, edited by John Bieter, John Ysursa and Dave Lachiondo, about the Basque heritage in Boise, ID.
  2. CD "Maral, Songs for after Dinner,” with traditional Basque song performed by Maral a Basque-Argentine group
  3. the "b_aldeak" CD by Kalakan
  4. Double CD "Xiberoko dantza jauziak,” with a total of 52 Xiberuan dances, essential for any dance group.


All you have to do is send an email to by midnight on Friday February 26, 2016 (European time), with Raffle in the subject line.

In your email include:


-Mailing Address (city, state, country)

-Telephone (with corresponding codes)

-Which of the four prizes you prefer 1, 2, 3, or 4

NOTE: only one entry per email address

Zorte on! (Good luck!)


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