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Korrika 2019: Etxepare and AEK launch a video contest with a stay at a Barnetegi in the Basque Country as the prize


Logo de la Korrika 21
Logo de la Korrika 21


The contest is aimed a Basque students at Lectureships and Basque clubs around the world.  First prize is travel and a stay at a Barnetegi in the Basque Country to learn Basque.  In the video, 20 seconds maximum, each students should present a part of his/her city in Basque (see rules below).  Deadline to submit is March 18th and winners will be announced on April 2nd.

Donostia-San Sebastian.  It’s a Korrika year, an event in favor of the Basque language that takes place every other year.  In 2019, it will celebrate its 21st edition and will depart from Gares-Puente la Reina in Navarre on April 4th to end in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba, on the 14th.  The Etxepare Basque Institute  and the AEK Cooperative are working together supporting 21. Korrika, with proposals such as this video contest that hopes to “create the atmosphere prior to Korrika and make the presence of Euskera around the world more visible.”

There will be two prizes, one for students at Lectureships and others for students at Basque clubs.  Winners will be decided by popular vote online, for an opportunity to travel to the Basque Country and study Basque at a Barnetegi during the European summer, with travel and stay included.  Contest winners will have received the most “likes” on their videos, that will be published on AEK's YouTube Channel. If the video is a group work, then members of the group should decide which of them would enjoy the prize.


-Video Contents: each students should present a corner of his/her city in Euskera in a short presentation.  The presentation should include mention of the Etxepare Institute, Korrika, and the message of the year (Klika). To conclude, each should choose a greeting in his/her own language.  For example “Kaixo, Peter naiz eta Euskara ikasten ari naiz Birminghamen-en, Etxepare Euskal Institutuaren babesaz. Egin klika, egin Korrika!”
-The video should include the Korrika logo that can be downloaded here.
-The length of the video cannot be longer than 20 seconds


-March 18, Deadline to submit videos
-March 21, Videos will be published on YouTube and voting will begin
-April 1, voting deadline
-April 2, winners will be announced on Etxepare Basque Institute’s website

Along with the video, contestants should also include the following information: name, city and country seen in the video, and name of the Basque club, or university where the student is studying.  Students at Basque clubs should submit their work here:; while students at Lectureships should use this email:

Keep in Mind

-Authors can use these videos to publicize Korrika, and so that Etxepare can do the same, mention them on Twitter (@EtxepareEU) or on Facebook (

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