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Grants awarded by the Etxepare Institute to Basque clubs for Euskera classes during the 2019-2020 cycle published


The Etxepare Basque Institute awards 240,994.00 Euros to Basque clubs and federations who teach Basque during the 2019-2020 school year
The Etxepare Basque Institute awards 240,994.00 Euros to Basque clubs and federations who teach Basque during the 2019-2020 school year


Vitoria-Gasteiz. The Official Bulleting of the Basque Country (EHAA-BOPV) published on Monday December 23rd included the Resolution dated December 3, 2019 by the Director of the Etxepare Basque Institute that resolves grants awarded to Basque clubs for Basque classes taught during he 2019-2020 school year.  The total amount awarded is 240,994.00 Euros that is shared by 28 entities, including federations that include several clubs that teach Basque.

Here are the recipients and the amounts awarded:

-Barcelona. Euskal Etxea- Barcelona 22.942,50 €
-Madrid Euskal-Etxea- Madrid 25.760,00 €
-Valencia Centro Vasco-Navarro Laurak Bat in Valencia 7.969,50 €
-Valladolid  «Gure txoko» Valladolid 2.484,00 Palma de Mallorca €
-Palma de Mallorca Euskal Etxea «Artea» Palma de Mallorca 3.128,00 €
-París Pariseko Eskual Etxea 10.488,00 €
-Bordeaux Bordeleko Eskualdunen Biltzarra 10.350,00 €
-Rome Associazione Culturale Euskara 4.669,00 €
-London London Basque Society 3.105,00 €
-Argentina F.E.V.A. – Federation of Basque Entities in Argentina 77.475,50 €
-Uruguay F.I.V.U. – Federation of Basque Institutions in Uruguay 8.970,00 €
-Montevideo  «Euskal Erria» in Montevideo 2.277,00 €
-Chile Eusko Etxea-in Santiago,Chile 2.760,00 €
-Mexico Mexico Basque Club 1.518,00 €
-USA N.A.B.O. North American Basque Organizations, INC. 26.806,50 €
-Chile Euzko Etxea of Valparaiso 2.967,00 €
-Montreal Euskaldunak Association des Basques du Quebec 1.380,00 €
-Sydney Gure Txoko Basque Club 1.311,00 €
-Germany Berlin Gernika Deutsch-Baskischer Kulturvererein E.V. 3.680,00 €
-Sao Paulo Eusko-Brasildar Etxea – Basque Club Brazil 2.208,00 €
-Pau Lagunt eta Maita – Pau (France) 4.278,00 €
-Santiago Basque Community of Chile 2.829,00 €
-Colombia Basque Cultural Foundation Gure Mendietakoak 2.300,00 €
-Belgium Bruselako Euskal Etxea 2.208,00 €
-Cuba Basque-Navarre Charitable Association  in Havana 1.311,00 €
-Brazil Euskal Etxea in Sao Paulo 1.380,00 €
-Peru Euskal Etxea in Lima 1.886,00 €
-Uruguay Saltoko Euskaldunen Taldea 2.553,00 €

TOTAL 240,994,00 €

- Resolution text in pdf (Basque) and in Spanish

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