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Viña celebrated Txistulari Eguna for the first time thanks to the group Hilario Olazaran and Gure Etorkia


Dancers and musicians from Gure Etorkia and the group Hilario Olazaran in the streets of Viña del Mar, Chile
Dancers and musicians from Gure Etorkia and the group Hilario Olazaran in the streets of Viña del Mar, Chile


The Chilean txistu and Hilario Olazaran dance group, celebrated in collaboration with the Gure Etorkia Cultural Center, the first “Txistulari Eguna,” last May 19th. The participants moved through the streets of Viña del Mar, in a kalejira that ended with a Basque dance exhibition. Prior, participants attended the events of the “Day of Galician Literature,” organized by the “Cultural Center of Friends of Galicia in Viña del Mar,” with a reading of a poem of Joseba Sarrionandia.

Viña del Mar, Chile.  “Txistulari Eguna,” was celebrated for the first time in Viña del Mar. The groups, Txistularis and Dancers Hilario Olazaran, Txileko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea and the Gure Etorkia Cultural Center, organized the celebration.  It is the first time this event has been held and it hopes to become one of the annual Basque activities of this coastal Chilean city.

The Txistulari Eguna coincided with the “Day of Galician Literature,” organized by the Friends of Galicia Cultural Center in Viña del Mar.” During the first part of the festivities, Roberto Vidal Bolaño was honored during an event that included a reading of Galician poetry.  This was attended by the Circle of Writers of the V Region Valparaiso, who presented its work, “The Art of Reading,” motivating children, youth and adults alike to enter into the wonderful world of literature.

Txistulari Eguna Viña del Mar 2013

[Txistularis from the Hilario Olazaran group directed by Angel Espinoza participated in the literary event in honor of the Day of Galician Literature]

The event included a part dedicated to Basque culture in which Raimundo Zubelzu, director of the Gure Etorkia Cultural center, read the poem Zita by Basque writer Joseba Sarrionandia.  The event continued with a toast in honor of those in attendance, accompanied by the sounds of Galician Gaitas, by the txistulari group and alboka performances.

During the second part of the day the txistu and dance group Hilario Olazaran and Gure Etorkia performed a kalejira through the streets of Viña del Mar, “arousing the admiration and spontaneous applause of the crowd followed by the dances and music in the plaza Maria Luisa Bombal in the city,” according to club sources. 

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