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Boiseko Ikastola will teach sign language, amongst other things, to the kids enrolled for this summer


Kids playing and learning at Boise's Basque preschool (photo Boiseko Ikastola)
Kids playing and learning at Boise's Basque preschool (photo Boiseko Ikastola)


Kids enrolled in Boiseko Ikastola (the Basque preschool in Boise, Idaho) for this summer will be able to learn sign language, as Mara Davis, director of the center, told “Summer programs are always a little different. They are educational too, but more fun for the kids,” Davis said.

Boise, USA. “One of the goals for this summer is the kids to learn sign language,” declared Davis. “It’s a way of communication, it’s different and it can be fun, that’s why we think it will be positive for them.” 

Also, the three teachers working at the Ikastola at the moment −Maria Prado, Oihana Andion, and Mara Davis herself− will teach the kids things related to the "daily life," like methods of transportation, for instance.

There are 25 kids aged 2/3-6 at the Ikastola this summer – “we are full now,” in the words of Davis. Most of them are of Basque heritage but six of them are not.

“I think it’s fantastic, people know that it is so family oriented that kids will have loving care and they feel comfortable with that. Plus the component of another language experience. Kids will learn some Basque and parents are aware of the importance of being able to speak more than one language.”

Boiseko Ikastola summer classes started on June the 16th and will last until August the 15th. After that, the three teachers will start planning the next course.

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