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“Anima Zaitez,” begins tomorrow in Villa Maria, Argentina with five youth from Euskal Herria


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The Euzko Etxea of Villa Maria, in the Argentine province of Cordoba, has organized a two-week program along with five youth from Euskal Herria, who will coordinate workshops and activities as part of “Anima Zaitez” 2017.  The program will begin on Saturday, by welcoming the five youth and will conclude on July 15th.  It includes a variety of workshops in music, dance, euskera and gastronomy.  Ongi etorri, gazteok!

Villa Maria, Argentina.   Following the steps of the Hator Hona program developed by the Necochea Basque club as a model, the Euzko Etxea in Villa Maria launched a similar initiative last year called Anima Zaitez: euskal kultura zabaltzen (Come spread the Basque culture.) Encouraged by the success of the first edition, the club has repeated the experience in 2017, whose program begins tomorrow.  In the words of Florencia Deniz, Basque teacher at the club, ‘Not only are we repeating the experience but we encouraged ourselves and this year we decided to increase the number and welcome five youth.  In 2016, the program had two participants that held a large number of activities and were housed with local families.”

The five youth chosen this year are: Alain Sorazu from Azpeitia; Oier Lobera Ezenarro from Bilbao; Irati Brabo Bereinkua from Markina; Eztitxu Harignordoquy from Baigorri; and Monica Casal from Errenteria.  “Each one is trained in a specific area,” Deniz said.  “Alain teaches txistu and dance; Oier is in charge of panderoa and dance; Irati is a Euskera teacher, Eztitxu also teaches dance and language; and Monica works with children and will do the food workshop.”

The girl from Baigorri, Behe Nafarroa, Eztitxu Harignordoquy, will also participate in Hator Hona in Necochea and has also teached in Bakersfield, California and participated in similar programs with NABO at its Udaleku program in the US.

Activities will take place at the Euskal Etxea over two weeks according to the following program:

- Saturday, July 1: welcome dinner

- Monday, July 3: 17 to 19 hs, Txistu workshop, tambourine and Txalaparta; 21 hrs, adult dance practice
- Tuesday, July 4: 21 pm, talk: “History of the Basque Country”
- Wednesday, July 5: 17 to 19 hs, Txistu workshop, tambourine and Txalaparta; 18:30 to 20:30 pm, Txikis workshop; 20:30 hrs, gastronomy workshop
- Thursday, July 6: 18-20: 30hs, Euskara workshop; 21 hrs, adult dancers workshop
- Friday, July 7: 17 to 19 hs, Txistu workshop, tambourine and Txalaparta; 18:30 to 20:30 pm, Txikis workshop; 20:30 hrs, young dancers practice
- Saturday, July 8: 10:30 to 12:30 pm, Euskara workshop; 17:30 hs, young dancers practice

- Monday, July 10: 17 to 19 hs, Txistu workshop, tambourine and Txalaparta; 7 pm, practice young dancers; 21 hrs, practice adult dancers
- Tuesday, July 11: 18:30 hs, young dancers practice; 20:30 hrs, talk: 'The Tradition of the Baserri and its Transmission'; Basque cinema: 'Amama'
- Wednesday, July 12: 17 to 19 hs, Txistu workshop, tambourine and Txalaparta; 18:30 to 20:30 pm, Txikis workshop; 20:30 hrs, gastronomy workshop
- Thursday, July 13: 18 to 20:30 hrs, Euskara workshop; 21 hrs, adult dancers workshop
- Friday, July 14: 17 to 19 hs, Txistu workshop, tambourine and Txalaparta; 18:30 to 20:30 pm, Txikis workshop; 21 hrs, San Fermin dinner and conclusion of Anima Zaitez 2017
- Saturday, July 15: 10:30 to 12:30 pm, Euskara workshop; 17:30 hs, young dancers practice

The activities are wide and varied and are aimed at all club members and members of the community at large. “Through this new activities we hope to introduce the Basque Country to everyone and create ties with youth from the Basque Country who are interested in sharing their culture, as we will do likewise. They will get a better idea of the work that we do, as how we are the Basque Diaspora in Argentina,” she explained.

Complete program can be followed on Facebook: Anima Zaitez

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