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Wide and various program to celebrate the 25 anniversary of Argentinan Euskaraz throught the end of the year


 Argentinan Euskaraz 25 logo
Argentinan Euskaraz 25 logo


A large program of activities will be take place through the end of the year in Argentina to celebrate the 25th birthday of the program that trains and provides Argentinean Basque teachers to Basque clubs across the country.  FEVA especially encourages students, teachers and anyone working in the dissemination of the Basque language to participate in the events that will include talks, get-togethers and contests among others. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   The Argentine euskaltzales will enjoy an especially intense 2015 with commemorative activities to celebrate the 25th anniversary of HABE and FEVA sponsored Argentinan Euskaraz, through the first week of December.  

Previous activities begun at the beginning of the year with the selection of the winning logo and the participation of teachers in training in Euskara Munduan in an activity developed at the Dantzari Get-Together in Cañuelas, but the meat of the program will begin in May with the following:

-Sunday, May 10, participation in “Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country,” festival with its own stand where there will be games organized for the public

-May-June, participation in the “Euskarak Munduari Bira 2015” festival that concludes the school year in the Basque Country.  This year’s reading will be Narrazio guztiak by Joseba Sarrionandia.

-June, opening of the Semana Nacional Vasca Contest.  As every year, you can once again participate in the poster and text contest that encourages the youngest to send their postcards.  Applications will be accepted June-September

-July, 18-25, Winter Barnetegi for the group of teachers being trained in Euskara Munduan; from the 25-26, Irakasleen Topaketa – Teachers Get-Together; Opening of “Izan ala ez izan,” (to be or not to be) a contest for skits in Basque.  They can be creations, or interpretations of works, as well as dramatizations of songs….They need to be filmed to be sent to the jury.  The winning group will present its work during the week dedicated to the International Day of Euskera, between December 1-4, in Buenos Aires

-August 15-16:  “Euskaraldia,” a students’ get-togther in their respective Basque clubs.  Opening of the photo exhibit “Lekuan Lekuko.” This contest seeks images or posters that indicate places (streets, towns, neighborhoods, houses, businesses, schools, etc…) that have names in Basque.  (The photo needs to be accompanied by the reference on the place photographed (history, original name, etc.)  Twelve winners will be chosen to create a 2016 Basque calendar

-September:  Children’s get-together

-October: Semana Nacional Vasca

-December: International Day of Euskera (ENE).  Presentation of the winning skits from “Izan ala ez izan,” end of the “Lekuan lekuko” contest.  Exhibition on Basque and talk by Professor Patxi Baztarrika at the National Book and Language Museum in Buenos Aires, organized by the Delegation of the Basque Government: presentation of Magdalena Mignaburu’s book on the history of Euskera in Argentina. 

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