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Third International Narrative Contest on the occasion of the 120th Anniversary of Iparralde EE in Buenos AIres; the theme is the Basque woman


In 1901, when the clubhouse was inaugurated, members of the board wore lapel pins made for the occasion.  The original photo was published in Baskonia.
In 1901, when the clubhouse was inaugurated, members of the board wore lapel pins made for the occasion. The original photo was published in Baskonia.


The Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea or Centro Vasco Frances in Buenos Aires is celebrating today with a lunch and get-together on its 120th anniversary.  In conjunction with the date it has also announced the third edition of this narrative contest, rules provided below.  Throughout the year there will also be talks, get-togethers, and parties as part of the festivities.  The Subcommittee of Culture invites members and friends to participate in today’s birthday lunch at the clubhouse on Moreno Street.   

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   On April 1, the Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea in Buenos Aires turned 120, an event that will be celebrated this afternoon at the clubhouse on Moreno Street.  The Subcommittee of Culture of the institution also invites the community to participate in this and other activities to commemorate this century plus of history. 

According to Norma Rios, secretary of IEE and also an active member of its Culture Committee, “even if many years have passed since the foundation of the club, we can say that today there is a very homogenized culture group that works every day to see how we can do new activities and attract new members, friends and even non-Basques to share and learn together about the customs, traditions and the reality of the Basque Country. We are proud to belong to an institution that has endured for so long, even with its ups and downs, in terms of cultural offerings, today and since 1992 it has remained strong and has organized conferences, film, dance, book presentations, and has taught Euskera.”

As part of the festivities, the Subcommittee of Culture has announced the Third International Narrative Contest.  The invitation is open and includes three categories of participation: a) to 17 years of age; b) 18 years of age and older; c) Members.  The theme is “Basque women.”

Contest rules:

  • The works presented must be original and unpublished, be written in Spanish, not having been awarded or presented previously, and not awaiting judgment in any other competition
  • They will be presented in Word in A-4 format, single-sided, single spaced, Arial font, size 12
  • The narration will include a maximum of 70 (seventy) lines
  • The mode of participation will be, exclusively, by e-mail to . Authors should send two files, with the word competition in the subject line with the name of the work being submitted. (a) the first file will be the story, which will include the title of the work both on the front page and the name of the attachment. It is recommended that the title does not include the theme of the contest. (b) the second file will be called data and will contain the title of the work, participant’s name, national identity document or passport, date of birth, address, telephone and email
  • The authors transfer the rights of the works to the Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea rights that may correspond to the publication and dissemination of a book
  • Deadline to submit will be August 31, 2015
  • Contest results will be announced on September 30, 2015
  • Participating supposes understanding and acceptance of these conditions

The award ceremony will take place on November 21 at the clubhouse.  First, second and third prizes will be awarded a certificate and trophy, with ten medals to ten receiving honorable mention by the judges.  The rest of the participants, as determined by the jury, will be included in an anthology and will also receive a certificate.

The jury is comprised of: Rosa Isabel Misciagna, translator; César Arrondo, professor; Gustavo Walter Rodríguez, professor and writer; Olga Leiciaga Elordi, professor and president of the Eusko Etxea Basque club in Corpus Christi, Misiones; and Héctor J. Sanjuas, singer and writer.

Contest and 2015 Activities

Along with the invitation to participate in the literary contest, the Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea also invites you to its birthday party tonight at 9pm at the clubhouse.  Basque club presidents from the capital will be in attendance along with members and friends.  It will be a lunch and will cost $120.

On April 16 there will be another activity aimed at older adults. It is a series of five get-togethers that will talk about “the adventures that older people experience, while socializing, at home, and when confronted by new technology as well as access to social assistance or health issues.”  These will be presented by Claudia Abiricha and Dr. Juan S. Piterbarg and held on the third Thursday of the month.  Admission is free and open to the public.

The club’s Subcommitte of Culture also let us know that on April 3 the direct of Overtrails Tourism, Karlos Agirre, visited the club along with twelve participants of the “Conquistador of the End of the World” program.  The group was welcomed with a lunch that was attended by the Ernesto Cornejo Saravia, club president and the board of directors.  

Talks and 2015 celebrations

In regards to talks and celebrations, a large number of presenters will visit the club including: Mikel Ezkerro, Juan Carlos Ibarrola, Pablo Ubierna, Rosa Misciagna and Norma Ríos.  Confirmed talks follow:

-Thursday April 30, talk on Aberri Eguna by cesar Arrondo. The event will also include a film and a cocktail.
-Thursday, June 4 “What the son wishes to forget, the grandson wants to remembers, by genealogist Laura Nobile.

As every year, the clubhouse will celebrate some of the most important dates in Lapurdi, Lower Navarre and Zuberoa, including Witches Festival (June 27); Baionako Bestak (August 8) and Olentzero (December 12).

Zorionak to the club, its members and friends!

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