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The Diaspora also gives wings to Euskera participating in the Txantxangorria campaign


The txantxangorri or red robin, the image of the campaign in favor of Euskera
The txantxangorri or red robin, the image of the campaign in favor of Euskera


The “Euskararen Txantxangorria” campaign, supported by the Basque Government and some of the main Basque institutions, invites citizens to take care of and use Euskera, personified in the image of a txantxangorri “red robin.” Basques in the Diaspora have begun to join into the initiative, leaving their mark on the campaigns website from Argentina, Brazil….that also speak Basque.  From we invite you to fill in the world map with txantxangorris!

Donostia-San Sebastian.   The Basque Government and the Provincial Governments of Bizkaia, Araba and Gipuzkoa have launched the “Euskararen Txantxangorria” (the Basque red robin), in hopes of supporting the use of the Basque language. The campaign’s image is the txantxangorri (red robin), a beloved bird in the Basque culture, but at the same time “small and fragile,” as recalled in Patxi Baztarrika’s presentation, vice-counsel of the Basque Government’s Linguistic Policy

The campaign’s goal is to give wings to this animal and for this the organizers have invited all Basques to use Euskera in their daily life.  But not only that, but also to advocate for Basque speakers who speak Basque who understand or who are learning the language, thus “increasing the possibilities” of speaking Basque.

Txantxangorris in the Diaspora

In hopes of giving more visibility to using Basque every day, the campaign launched a website:, that everyone wishing to give wings to Basque is invited to visit marking the place on the map representing them.

Basque in the Diaspora didn’t wat to join in the idea, and there are already txantxangorris in Logroño, Valladolid, Madrid, Lleida, Valencia…and all the way to Argentina and Brazil.

On behalf of we are taking advantage of this opportunity to invite Basques around the world to join the campaign and to fill the world with txantxangorris!

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