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The City of Buenos Aires will broadcast BAC Basque Country on its social media: see program and schedule


Updated BAC 2020 program
Updated BAC 2020 program


Buenos Aires, Argentina. Without neglecting their obligations as leaders in the context of the pandemic, the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) not only gave the go-ahead, but also endorses the digital version of “Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country” that will take place this Sunday May 10 beginning at 12pm. Depending on its possibilities, and emergencies that may occur on Sunday, the city will also broadcast the virtual festival on its social networks.

Along with the confirmation of the broadcast by CABA, they also announced greetings and interviews with the Head of the Municipal Government, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta: Vice-head of the Government, Diego Santilli; the city’s sub-secretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism, Pamela Malewicz; and Mercedes Barbara, Director General of Collectivities.

The broadcast aims to reach the largest audience and public participation possible on this occasion that also includes the collaboration of FEVA and the Basque Government Delegationin Buenos Aires.

The festival will be broadcast from:

Facebook: Laurak Bat and Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country - Laurak Bat
Instagram: centrolaurakbat and BA Celebrates the Basque Country

As well as on:


-FEVA Federation of Basque-Argentine Entities
-Delegation of Euskadi in Argentina- Mercosur
-Government of the City of Buenos Aires
-Community Youth Networks
-BA Human Rights
-Pamela Malewicz



They are also suggesting to the public that wants to participate to sign the mentioned accounts and use the hashtags:


PROGRAM (Updated on May 7th at 11pm local time)

-12: 00pm: Inaugural video with greetings from announcers from over the years, and a parade from the Euskal Echea School
-12: 05pm: Greetings from authorities: Welcome by the Head of the City Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and the president of the Laurak Bat Basque Club, Arantxa Anitua
-12: 10pm: Initial Agurra (dance)
-12: 15pm: Greeting from the Basque Government, Lehendakari Mr. Iñigo Urkullu
-12: 20pm: Video presentation of the Lagun Onak Choir
-12: 25pm: Basque dances, more than thirty groups from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, which will continue throughout the afternoon
-12: 30pm: Interview with the General Secretary for Foreign Action of the Basque Government, Marian Elorza
-12: 35pm: Greetings from the Director for the Basque Community Abroad, Gorka Alvarez Aranburu; of the Undersecretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the City, Pamela Malewicz; and Mercedes Bárbara, General Director of Collectivities.
-12: 45pm: Music, Zutarriak
-12: 50pm: Storiesfor txikis
-12: 55pm: Greetings from former Basque Government Lehendakaris
-13: 05pm: Sports, Pelota
-13: 15 pm: Live cooking, first presentation, by chefs at the Laurak Bat
-13: 25pm: Tamborrada, video of the story
-13: 30 pm: Greetings former Laurak Bat club presidents
-13: 35 pm: Music, Baietz
-13: 45 pm: Basque Dances
-14: 00 pm: Live of Dantza Plazan
-14: 10 pm: Txikis, crafts
-14: 15 pm: Greetings from the president of FEVA Arantxa Anitua; the Delegate of the Basque Government for Argentina-Mercosur, Sara Pagola; and the Director of the Etxepare Institute, Irene Larraza
-14: 20 pm: Basque cooking trivia
-14: 25 pm: Music, Ixilik
-14: 30pm: Posts with Basque cuisine recipes, explained step by step (by Coco Egozcue and chefs at the Laurak Bat)
-14: 40 pm: Basque Dances
-14: 45 pm: Tamborrada, tutorial and video at BAC
-14: 55 pm: Special mention to the Real-Athletic match pending for the final of the Copa del Rey
-15: 00 pm: Live cooking, second presentation, by chef Itziar Aguirre and Takehiro Ohno
-15: 20 pm: Txikis, dances
-15: 35 pm: Musicians from Basque clubs around the country sharing the stage
-15: 45 pm: Live interview with Arantxa Anitua
-15: 55 pm: Greetings from Mikel Irujo Amezaga, Director General of Foreign Action of the Government of Navarre; Jon Azúa, former vice lehendakari of the Basque Government; and Juan Mari Aburto, Mayor of Bilbao
-16: 00 pm: Basque Dances
-16: 10 pm: Mus
-16: 20 pm: Greetings from the Basque Member of Parliament of EH Bildu, Jasone Agirre, and the President of the Euzkadi Buru Batzar of EAJ-PNV, Andoni Ortuzar
-16: 25 pm: Txikis, crafts
-16: 30 pm: Interview with the Deputy Head of Government, Diego Santilli (TBD)
-16: 40 pm: Posts with Basque recipes
-16: 55 pm: Basque rural sports
-17: 00 pm: Athletic Bilbao and Real Sociedad Clubs
-17: 10pm: Greetings from Argentine politicians
-17: 15 pm: Music, Maral
-17: 30 pm: Basque dances
-17: 40 pm: Agur Tango
-17: 55 pm: Final Fandango

Added to this program of activities will be greetings from famous Basque and Argentine artists, and Euskera trivia

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