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The barnetegi in Salto, Uruguay, opened the year of the 25th anniversary of the “Argentinan Euskaraz” program


The Euskaldunen Taldea in Salto who hosted the Summer 2015 Barnetegi
The Euskaldunen Taldea in Salto who hosted the Summer 2015 Barnetegi


During the third week in January, Uruguay was once again the site for HABE’s Euskara Munduan program, with the participation of students from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.  This begins a special year for the Euskaltzales in South America who will celebrate in 2015 the first quarter-century of the program that trains Basque teachers, under the motto: “Argentinan Euskaraz 25.” 

Salto, Uruguay. Organized by FEVA and the Saltoko Euskadunen Taldea Basque club, the fifth Barnetegi of the 2013-2016 period of the Euskara Munduan Program took place in Salto from Saturday, January the 17th to Saturday, the 24th.  The President of FIVU, Enrique Poittevin, as well as his counterpart in Argentina, Hugo Andiazabal, FEVA’s president were there to welcome the future teachers along with Adela Soto Zudaire and Luis Zaldua, president and vice-president respectively of the hosting club, as well as the local Basque students.   

When asked about the success of the Barnetegi, Kinku Zinkunegi, HABE technician told that he was very satisfied with the event.  He first wanted show his gratitude: “I want to emphasize what a great job the Salto Basque club did, in regards to the infrastructure, lodging and the challenge that this presented.”  “We need to keep in mind that this is not a big club and they have never organized anything similar.  I should say that everything was perfect; the people at the club were attentive to our needs at any given moment, as well as respecting class schedules, organizing tours for us to the main attractions in the city etc.  Nothing but gratitude to them,” he stressed.

“On the other hand,” he continued, “not everybody that started in 2013 were able to continue, and as usual in any process, some of the students weren’t able to achieve the level or required attendance.  Also there were some that couldn’t attend this time, but will continue in the program.”  “I think that now, after half of the course has taken place, we can say that the group has stabilized and that in spite of some level differences, all are able to continue, something that I consider to be very positive.”  “We were also fortunate to have Sabrina (Otegui) and Dani (Oiarbide) among us as teachers, both veterans in their own right, who controlled the dynamic of the barnetegi very well and know the students,” he resumed.

Zinkunegi also stressed that this year will mark the 25th anniversary of the “Argentinan Euskaraz” program in Macachin, the city that will host this year’s Semana Nacional Vasca, who has already announced a big festival.  “But in addition, there is a program of activities that will take place throughout the year as part of the activities that are carried out normally in this country.”  “So, at ‘Buenos Aires Celebrates,” organized by Laurak Bat, ‘Argentinan Euskaraz 25’ will also be present; as well as at the Buenos Aires Book Fair, the Juan de Garay Foundation will also participate and ‘Argentinan Euskaraz 25’’ will also be present; the Delegation of Euskadi in Argentina is also organizing exhibitions on Euskera…with various clubs concurring and all working in the same direction…the same goes for Euskera groups at the club level.  There will be many instances where students will be able to participate. In addition, teacher get-togethers (topaketak) will start again, there will be a children’s get-together and the next Barnetegi will take place in July….All of this in anticipation of two great moments, the Semana Vasca in Machachin but also the International Day of Euskera Festivities that will take place in Buenos Aires with talks, exhibits, and huge party,” he concludes.

The next barnetegi, the “Winter Barnetegi,” will take place from July 18-25, and the third teachers’ meeting, aimed at Basque teachers trained in prior programs, will take place on July 25-26, according to FEVA.  Both activities will take place in the same place to be determined. 

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