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“Reflecting to Grow:” FEVA invites Argentine Basque clubs to debate their future in Cañuelas


FEVA’s new board of directors elected in 2014 presided by Hugo Andizazabal and Javier Ederra
FEVA’s new board of directors elected in 2014 presided by Hugo Andizazabal and Javier Ederra


It will take place on March 7-8 and the invitation includes all the Basque clubs in the country.  Clubs are asked to please RSVP before February 20.  Saturday will also include a meeting to consider relative proposals for the FEVA Pelota project, and the participation of the Federation in the World Council of Basque Pelota.  

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   In hopes of “thinking of ideas to renew the forces of Management (…) and to reflect on FEVA and tis function,” the Federation of Basque-Argentine Entities invites its clubs to participate in the event, “Reflecting to Grow” on Saturday and Sunday march 7-8.  The program is as follows:

-Saturday 7, 13:00: Beginning of event with lunch.  During the afternoon, day of debate and reflection

-Sunday 9, 10:00: Continuation of debate, reflection and conclusions: 13:00 closing lunch/

The Federation hopes that “The contributions will be the fruit of an internal open and participatory process,” to guide and facilitate the debate, they ask participants the following questions: “What is the function and the sense of the existence of FEVA? Do you know what FEVA is? Do you feel that FEVA should be doing something more?  How and what?  What changes feel need to be made?

Each center can send two representatives.  FEVA will cover costs of the stay, lodging in shared rooms and meals, while the Basque club will pay for travel.  In cases where the club is more than 700 km away, FEVA will contribute 50% of the travel expenses.  The event will take place at the Smata fairgrounds in Cañuelas, and registration is required before February 20 via email: indicating the name and DNI of each participate and date and time of arrival in Cañuelas.

FEVA Pelota

On the morning of the 7th, before the Basque club get-together, those involved in the area of FEVA Pelota will hold a meeting in hopes of elaborating projects for the FEVA Pelota Project and to talk about its participation in the World Council of Basque Pelota. The meeting will take place at 9:30 also at the Smata.  Inteested persons should register by February 20.

Cultural Offering

FEVA also let us know that its lecture series is also available to the Basque clubs.  As in prior years, this Basque club tour will coordinate lecturer visits with clubs in the same area to take full advantage of resources.  FEVA will be in charge of travel expenses, while room and obard will be the responsibility of the hosting club.

The list of lectures and presenters follows:  For more information contact FEVA.

-La Nación Vasca y su derecho al futuro (Marianela Rimini, Juani Sáez)
-Lo que el hijo desea olvidar, el nieto desea recordar: introducción a la genealogía y genealogía vasca (Laura Nobile)
-Euskalherria: breve Historia de una Nación (César Arrondo)
-Taller de Historia de los vascos (4 clases) (César Arrondo)
-Gernika Ayer y Hoy (video y charla) (César Arrondo)
-Diáspora y conflicto vasco (César Arrondo)
-El proceso de Paz en Irlanda del Norte ¿Un ejemplo para el País Vasco? (Eugenia Cruset)
-De Brujas y brujerías (Juan Carlos Ibarrola)
-San Juan, solsticio y brujas (Juan Carlos Ibarrola)
-Centro Vasco, sentimiento y formación (Mikel Ezkerro)
-La Juventud en los Centros Vascos (Mikel Ezkerro)
-La búsqueda de las Raíces Vascas (Mikel Ezkerro)
-El Nacionalísimo vasco y la guerra civil (José Domingo)
-El hombre prehistórico vasco (José Domingo)
-Euskal Herria Bai, vivir, trabajar y decidir en Iparralde (Carlos Martínez)
-Historia de la pelota vasca (Pablo Ubierna)
-Mujeres de Emakume de Buenos Aires y Rosario, ayuda a refugiados (Mauro Vitullo)
-Historia reciente del País Vasco, una mirada desde la historia social (Sebastián Ruiz)
-Cine Vasco / Euskal Zinema (Carlos Gabilondo)
- La cultura vasca durante la dictadura de Franco (Emma Vila)
- De quién hablamos cuando decimos País Vasco (Emma Vila)
- Euskadi en la Europa de las naciones sin estado (Fernando Lizarbe)
- Evolución histórica de Euskal Herria a través de sus trajes típicos (Magdalena Mignaburu)
- Bertsolarismo Historia y Actualidad (José Noé Fernández)
- El Cuento en la Literatura Vasca (Elba Mocoroa)
- Euskal etxeak... el desafío de la diáspora (Ricardo Basterra)
- La causa vasca como tarea política (Ricardo Basterra)

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