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More Aberri Eguna in Basque clubs in Argentina, from Buenos Aires to the Andes


Aberri Eguna at the Mendiko Eusko Etxea Basque club in Bariloche (photoAgustin A. Sanchez)
Aberri Eguna at the Mendiko Eusko Etxea Basque club in Bariloche (photoAgustin A. Sanchez)


More institutions from around the world have joined in Aberri Eguna celebrations over the last few weeks. Basque clubs in Argentina were among them and commemorated the Day of the Basque Homeland with multiple activities. Today we gather more festivities held in the province of Buenos Aires to the Andes, passing through clubs in Bariloche, Euskaltzaleak and Lizarraenea in the Nation's capital city, Gral. Rodriguez, Jose C. Paz, Mar del Plata, Mendoza and Olavarria.

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Festivities and get-togethers for Aberri Eguna have been taking place throughout the month of April.  The program of events in Argentina began with the classics Dancers Get-Together organized by Denak Bat in Cañuelas and followed by several weekends with events in various corners of the country.   Dinners and lunches, music and dance, talks and documentaries…the proposals were many and varied, but always with the same goal: to celebrate the Basque Homeland.  Following is a summary of images of festivities in another round of information that we’ve received.

Aberri Eguna Brilochen II 2014 01

[In Bariloche, the Mendiko Eusko Etxea Basque club celebrated Aberri Eguna for two days in two following weekends.  On April 19th the club raffled a 7lb. Easter Egg decorated with both the Argentinean and Basque flags.   On April 26th there was an official ceremony at the Promenade of Communities with other local community leaders present.  After the event the club invited guests to its newly remodeled clubhouse where they planted an oak (photosEE)]

Aberri Eguna Euskaltzaleak-en II 2014 02

[Euskaltzaleak in Buenos Aires organized an event at 8pm at the Plaza Alfonso Rodriguez Castelao located in front of the club to celebrate Aberri Eguna and the Anniversary of the Bombing of Gernika jointly.  The event was presided over by club president, Carlos Bordagaray, who spoke about both events.  After the event the club choir and dancers performed and Mariana Fernandez Castelli, spoke on behalf of Independentistak; Cesar Arrondo and Dani Oiarbide, representing Gure Esku Dago spoke as well along with and Susana Echegoyen on behalf of Etxera (Home).  A delegation from the Basque Government was also present comprised of Asier Vallejo, Sara Pagola and Andoni Martin.  The festivities continued at the clubhouse with dinner, pintxos and song (photos EE)]

Aberri Eguna Lizarraenean II 2014 03

[Eusko Kultur Etxea, Ekin Publishers and Ekin Dantzari Taldea all gathered in Lizarraenea, to celebrate Aberri Eguna and the 77th anniversary of the Bombing of Gernika on Saturday April 26th with a program that began in the evening with the showing of the documentary Gernika 1937.  After the show the club’s dance director, Aitor Alava did an Aurresku and the evening continued with a dinner of lentils and Basque cake.  After dinner a dance took place (photosEE)]

Aberri Eguna Rodriguezen II 2014 06

[As every year, in General Rodriguez the Eusko Aterpea Basque club provided its members and friends a typical Argentinean BBQ.  Lunch was postponed till May 4th and was attended by the Ekin Dantzari Taldea that was joined by the local dancers to entertain during the afternoon (photos EkinDT)]

Aberri Eguna jose c pazen II 2014 04

[Without leaving the province of Buenos Aires, but in Jose C. Paz, the Toki Eder club celebrated on Sunday the 27th at noon.  Club president, Lidia Lucia Lechardoy, stressed the importance of the date and was in charge of introducing the club’s Gure Talde Alai who danced Agurra, Trenzado Doble and Fandango.  Among the guests were representatives of local entities and the Eusko Aterpea de Gral. Rodriguez (photosEE)]

Aberri Eguna Mar del Platan II 2014 05

[On the Atlantic Coast, Denak Bat in Mar de Plata also celebrated Aberri Eguna with two activities.  In the morning members of the Beti Alai formed an honor guard during mass celebrated at the local cathedral.  Afterwards, the dancers performed for a large audience.  At noon, nearly 80 people gathered at the clubhouse to share a meal and have a good time (photosEE)]

[The Mendoza Basque club also celebrated on the last Sunday of April, at noon with a double activity.  In the morning, they held their General Assembly to elect the Board of Directors and at noon, members and guests enjoyed a paella prepared especially for the occasion.  After the meal dancers took over for some impromptu dancing.  See video, here]

Aberri Eguna Olavarrian II 2014 07

[At the Gure Etxe Maitea in Olavarria was one of the first to celebrate the Day of the Basque Homeland and did so gathering members of all ages.  The dinner was held the first weekend of April with a high-quality menu, and a dance floor for anyone wishing to dance (photoEE)]


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