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Listen how they celebrated “International Women’s Day,” in Arrecifes, Argentina: “You are all my accomplices and I love you all”


Singing are Teresa de Zavaleta, Mariana Dominé Irigoyen, Laura Nobile and Adrián Charras. Eskerrik asko eta Zorionak!
Singing are Teresa de Zavaleta, Mariana Dominé Irigoyen, Laura Nobile and Adrián Charras. Eskerrik asko eta Zorionak!


Arrecifes, Argentina. Yesterday was “International Women’s Day,” previous called “Day of the Working Woman,” an adjective that was later retired by redundancy and pleonasms.  In this context of the pandemic, Basques and Basque clubs around the world joined in through messages and calls of all kinds online.  There is no doubt that the feminist claim advances every year in our Diaspora, although as everywhere, there is still much to be done.  Pixkanaka, baina beti aurrera, euskaldunen artean ere.

As a reflection of all these events, vindications, and congratulations on the day, we wanted to bring you a beautiful and original celebration that took place at a special Euskal Etxea that recently celebrated its 99th birthday, and that gathered members last Sunday to determine the best way to celebrate its centennial.  One hundred years of hard but satisfactory and joyful work for our language and culture and for the Basque past, present and future that has been sown in Argentina, but also germinates and extends to the rest of Euskal Herria and its Diaspora.

We are sharing a video created by four friends at the Euskaldunak Denak Bat Basque Club in Arrecifes, Argentina singing “Konplize ditut-eta,” (You are all my accomplices) by Mikel Markez with beautiful lyrics dedicated to all women.

Text by Euskaldunak Denak Bat that accompanies the video:

The women of the world want and deserve an equal future without stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that is sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all people.  In order to achieve this goal, the world needs women at all decision-making tables.  Therefore, we want them ALIVE. Violence leaves marks, not seeing them is femicide.

Euskaldunak Denak Bat recognizes International Women’s Day but the circumstances that we are living in makes public demonstrations against gender violence necessary.

Singing are Teresa de Zavaleta, Mariana Dominé Irigoyen, Laura Nobile and Adrián Charras. Eskerrik asko eta Zorionak!

Konplize ditut-eta... (Translation at the end)

Emakume zuzenak
okerrak, kirtenak
moja txintxoak eta
zerrama irtenak
itsusiak, politak
atletak, herrenak
konplize ditut eta
maite ditut denak

Konplize ditut-eta, maite ditut denak

Langileak, alferrak
lanik ez dutenak
tuntunak, mediokreak
klaseko lehenak
ale desegokiak
andre txit gorenak
konplize ditut eta
maite ditut denak

Konplize ditut-eta, maite ditut denak

Ama onak ta txarrak
ama ez direnak
lurrera jausi arte
mozkortzen onenak
ta umeen merienda
usaina dutenak
konplize ditut eta
maite ditut denak

Konplize ditut-eta, maite ditut denak

Lotsatiak, ausartak
argalak, gizenak
iletsuak, soil-soilak
katemeak, gorilak
panterak, zezenak
konplize ditut eta
maite ditut denak

Konplize ditut-eta, maite ditut denak

Lehen munduko emeak
lur usaia daukaten
andre indigenak
zuri, gorri, horiak
beltzetan beltzenak
konplize ditut eta
maite ditut denak

Konplize ditut-eta, maite ditut denak

Markesaren alabak
neskame gizenak
printzesak ta sorginak
ogroak, sirenak
Maritxuak, Bartolo
itxura dutenak
konplize ditut eta
maite ditut denak

Konplize ditut-eta, maite ditut denak
(You are all my accomplices, I love you all)

Right, wrong, manipulative women, honest nuns and outstanding bristles, ugly, cue, athletes, lame.  Hardworking, lazy, jobless, stupid, mediocre, top of the class, unsuitable examples, most excellent.

You are all my accomplices, I love you all

Good and bad mothers, and those who are not mothers, the best at getting drunk until they fall to the ground, those who smell like children’s snacks.
Shameful, brave, thin, fat, hairy, bald, masculine, cats, gorillas, panthers, old bulls.

You are all my accomplices, I love you all

Females of the first world, capitalists, those who smell of the earth, indigenous women, White, red, yellow, the blackest.  
The marquise’s daughters, maids, princesses and witches, ogres, mermaids, those who like Maritxus and Bartolos.

You are all my accomplices, I love you all

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