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Korrika 20 begins today in the Basque Country in Otxandio, already enjoying a good start in various places in the Diaspora



Korrika 20 begins its tour today in the Basque Country where it will run for ten days, concluding on April 9th in Iruña-Pamplona.  The race in support of the Basque language already had its preface in the Diaspora where year after year new places and communities join in, in three different ways, with Basque clubs and communities, as well as with the network of lecturers from the Etxepare Basque Institute, and also with individuals and families who gather to contribute their grain of sand. 

Donostia-San Sebastian.   Some communities and Basque clubs in the Diaspora already began their Korrika activities some two weeks ago.  Even if today is the beginning in Euskal Herria, the Diaspora has included its own dates, although the majority of the celebrations will be together with the ones in the Basque Country.  Among the places and people who have already held their race are the Ikastola in Boise, ID, the Euskal Etxea in Paris and “Buenos Aires Celebrates,” in Argentina.

Children from the Boise Ikastola at their Korrika 20 in Idaho’s capital

Passing the baton for Korrika 20 in the streets of Paris, thanks to the Euskal Etxea there

There will be special coverage of Korrika 20 by ETB, and Hamaika Telebista.  The Diaspora will experience Korrika in many different places in the world.  In this way, this week Korrika will be celebrated at Basque clubs in Bristol, Berlin, La Plata, Brussels, Valencia, Barcelona, Bordeaux (a kilometer purchased by the Bordeaux Basque Club in Ortzaize, in Behe Nafarroa, even if they will hold their own activities next week including a concert by Kalakan), Mexico City, Sao PauloNew York

Throughout the coming weeks more clubs will join in from Montreal, London, Boise, Santiago, Munich, Necochea, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Lima, Sydney….It needs to be mentioned the last day of Korrika in the Basque Country that will include a kilometer in the name of Basque clubs and communities all around the world that is open to anyone wishing to participate. 

Besides that, events planned by the network of lectureships sponsored by the Etxepare Basque Institute include some 12 Korrikas all over the world, some of which  co-organized with local Basque clubs. These are those ones:

Leipzig (Germany) – Wednesday, March 29
Universität Leipzig
-14:00 Korrika from the Augustusplatz Plaza to the Thomaskirch Church

Cork (Ireland) – Thursday, March 30
University College Cork
-16:30. Screening of the documentary BatZuk and roundatble
Korrika at the University College Cork

Szeged (Hungary) – Friday, March 31
University of Szeged
-16:00 Korrika from the Dóm Plaza to the University of Szeged

Budapest (Hungary) – Saturday, April 1
Eötvôs Loránd University (ELTE)
-15:00 Korrika from the Deák Ferenc Plaza along the Danube, to the College of Humanities at ELTE

Venice (Italy) – Saturday, April 1
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
-11:00 Korrika beginning at the Piazza San Marco

Helsinki (Finland) – Saturday, April 1
University of Helsinki
-12:30 Korrika from the Rautatientori Plaza to the Senaatintori Plaza. Followed by a pintxo tasting.
-14:00 Screening of documentary Gazta zati bat (2011) at the University of Helsinki

Edinburgh (Scotland) – Saturday, April 1
-University of Edinburgh
-10:30 Korrika
-11:15 Herri kirolak, txistorra and cider tasting, dantzaris and txistularis.
-12:30 Kalejira and poteo
-13:15 Lunch for 120 people
After lunch Basque and Gaelic singing.  Basque dancing and ceilidh (Scottish dances). DJs through the eveing.

Liverpool (England) – Saturday, April 1
University of Liverpool
-12:00 Korrika on campus
-13:30 Lunch

Santiago (Chile) – Saturday, April 1
University of Chile
-11:00 Korrika from the Museum of Fine Arts to the Euzko Etxea in Santiago

Mexico City (Mexico) – Sunday, April 2
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
-10:30 Korrika in Chapultepec Park
-11:00 Basque dance workshop at the Lake House at the Chapultepec Park
-12:00 Txalaparta workshop
-14:00 Presentation of the video done by UNAM Students expressly for Korrika
-15:15 Basque singing

Chicago (USA) – Sunday, April 2
University of Chicago
-13:30 Korrika at Millennium Park
-14:30 Lunch and social

Brno (Czech Republic) – Saturday, April 2
Masarykova Univerzita
-16:00 Korrika from the train station Nerudova to the Svobody Plaza (5 km)

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