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From Mexico, Laura Gonzalez de Artaza looks for opportunities and connects Basque and Mexican iniciatives and projects


Laura Gonzalez de Artaza in Bilbao, with the silhouette of the faded Iberdrola Tower in the background (photo Borja Guerrero-Deia)
Laura Gonzalez de Artaza in Bilbao, with the silhouette of the faded Iberdrola Tower in the background (photo Borja Guerrero-Deia)


For a few days she traveled from her office in Mexico City to Bilbao where Doin Communication's matrix is located.  Laura Gonzalez de Artaza, Mexican of Basque origin is director in Mexico of this company dedicated to the internationalization and communication and promotes contact, relationships and the establishment of new initiatives and projects in both countries.  Last Sunday, Jon Mujika from Deia newspaper, interviewed her.

Jon Mujika/Bilbao, Bizkaia.  The world at your fingertips is exactly what Laura Gonzalez de Artaza, director of Doin Communication in Mexico, promises.  Specialized in internationalization and communication, she manages these two tools like a musketeer his sword.  Today there is not a place on earth that doesn’t provide an opportunity and Laura walks through Bilbao looking for ventures willing to leave their country or land where Mexico can disembark.  Laura isn’t only a businessperson: she has visions of where to add opportunities.  Ah! And she studies Basque because she likes the origins of the words.

-Explain that to me…

A person in the Basque club started to tell us that in Basque the ends of the months have something to do with the moon and suicide is called buruaz beste that translates roughly to, line another head or a new head and I was hooked. Extraordinary!

-It must not have been easy to find someone to teach there…

You would be surprised, the club is very dynamic.  Plus, I think it’s easier to study Basque in Mexico than in Madrid.

-Your reasons are surprising...almost poetic…

There was a girl in the club that started to study because she was a fan of La Oreja de Van Gogh and I thought, if they heard her speak Basque, as a Basque group, they would pay more attention.

-Did they?

The truth is yes.  She was able to speak to them.

-There’s an example of the power of communication.

Ha, ha, ha.  I tell my clients to choose what they want to eat, a chicken egg or a duck egg.


They are very similar and almost everyone chooses the chicken.  It cackles when it lays an egg, while the duck remains silent.  “Hace el pato” (Do the duck) as we say in Mexico to someone who not so bright.

-The moral?

You have to sell your successes, and leave your weaknesses for others to discover if they can.

-Internationalize is a veb that conjugates in the present…

Rabidl., It is to open markets in other countries. And that doesn’t require huge investments or big landings.  Doin was created by its Bilbao matrix, Docor Comunicación that began more modestly.  All you have to do is be very clear on what you want to transmit about you, and do so in a manner that everyone understands.  Be a chicken.

-What is the biggest sin of the journalism you work with?

Publicity!  Ha, ha, ha.  Sometimes they manage surveys too closely.  You have to keep an open mind. 

-What is the lie that they accuse them of the most?

Journalists generally don’t lie.  But maybe they do play with the truth.  Lying doesn’t give you any advantage, it only discredits you.

-Would you do a press conference on a plasma screen?

That’s not a press conference; it’s a waste of time if you can’t ask questions. And I dont think we have too much time to waste it.

 (published on 12-21-2014 in Deia)


Laura González de Artaza
Directora DOIN Comunicación América
Paseo de la Reforma 107 Ofic. 602
Col. Tabacalera
06030 México, D.F.
Tel. +52 55 52085886 / +52 55 55141163
Cel. +52 1 5527498261

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