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Elcano and the First Trip around the World, 14 views of circumnavigation from a Basque perspective, in Google Arts & Culture



Getaria, Gipuzkoa. The Elkano Foundation has contributed 14 exhibits to the “First Trip around the World” project on Google Arts & Culture, a digital portal that explores the trip of the first circumnavigation and its impact on the conception of the world, with the beginning of the first globalization.  Contents are accessible in Basque, Spanish and English, so that this initiative of Google’s cultural arm will make it possible to disseminate new knowledge generated in the Basque Country, at an international level, around the figure of Juan Sebastian Elkano and the contribution of the Basque society to the trip as a leading naval power of the time.

The digital samples, coordinated by the Elcano Foundation, are the result of research done over the last two years by different institutions and experts like the Aranzadi Science Society, Itsasmuseum Bilbao or Euskal Itsas Museoa, as well as by Virginia García, Daniel Zulaika, Javier Almazán, Miren Aintzane Eguiluz, Jose Angel Achón or Alberto Rodríguez. 

With a click of the mouse, users from all over the world can discover what the conception of the ocean was in the Middle Ages, take a look at the knowledge of the time in matters such as astronomy, medicine or naval technology, as well as the role played by Basque women in the 16h century, who had been forgotten by history until now.  The portal also includes the death of Elkano during his second trip to the Moluccas and the different representations of the sailor from Getaria in paintings or sculptures.  The cultures and worldviews of the original peoples of Southern Patagonia are also part of the content designed by the Elkano Foundation.

These are the 14 reports included in the exhibit on Google Arts & Culture:

-Biography of Juan Sebastián Elkano
-Elkano and the First Trip Around the World
-The Ocean, before and after Elcano
-On the Trail of Juan Sebastian Elkano
-Forgotten on the Shore, Basque Women and the Sea in the Time of Juan Sebastián Elkano
-Situated at Sea
-Scurvy and Medicine in the Era of the Great Navigators
-Elkano and his Representations
-Basques on the Expedition Magallanes-Elcano
-The Skies of the First Trip Around the World
-The Ships of the Trip Around the World
-Deaths and Illnesses on the First Trip Around the World
-500 Years of the Same World and 100 Under the Same Sky
-The Expedition of Magellan and the First Trip Around the World

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