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An intense program of activities for the 25 years of the Argentinan Euskaraz program in Buenos Aires


Logo for the 25th anniversary program of Argentinan Euskaraz designed by Manuel Campoamor from the  Gure Ametza Basque club in Rio Cuarto
Logo for the 25th anniversary program of Argentinan Euskaraz designed by Manuel Campoamor from the Gure Ametza Basque club in Rio Cuarto


The invitation comes from HABE, FEVA and the Delegation of Euskadi in Argentina-Mercosur and the Basque clubs and will provide a range of academic and recreational activities that will run from November 16th through December 3rd.  The event will be attended by Kinku Zinkunegi, HABE technician and director of the Euskara Munduan Program; Patxi Baztarrika, vice-counsel of Linguistic Policy in the Basque Government; and Jose Lozan Santos, director of Linguistic Normalization in Public Administration.  All activities are open to the public. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   According to the plan established at the beginning of the year, and after having carried out some small events including paying tribute to the program that trains Basque teachers that is celebrating its 25th anniversary, the main celebratory activities will begin on the 16h and will end on the International Day of Euskera, December 3rd.

It is important to note the program of activities sponsored by HABE, FEVA, the Delegation of Euskadi in Argentina, are not only aimed at Basque teachers and students, but also to anyone who wants to get to know more about the Basque language.

The schedule is as follows:

-Monday, November 16, 18:00: Inauguration of the exhibit “In the Footsteps of the Basque Language.  The Basque Language and its Presence in Argentina.”  Guided visit of the exhibit along with the Delegate of the Basque Government, Sara Pagola.  Screening of the video The History of Euskera. At the National Library, in the Juan L. Ortiz room, 3rd floor.  Calle Agüero 2502.

-Friday, November 27, 18:30-20:30: Conference:  “Thirty Years of Social Evolution of Euskera: a Paradigmatic Case” by Patxi Baztarrika, Vice-counsel of Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government.  Presentation of the book: El Euskera en Argentina, identidad y sentimiento, by Magdalena Mignaburu.  Sample of the exhibit participating at the Week of Languages.  Place Colegio Euskal Echea, Events Hall, Sarandi 735.

-Saturday, November 28, 12:00-17:00: Outdoor festival in front of the Euskaltzaleak Clubhouse in Buenos Aires.  Txupinazo, trikitixa, games, food booths.  Screening of the participant videos and winners of the “Eusketxak” contest.  Awards ceremony for the “Logo Contest.”  Birthday cake.  Place: Euskaltzaleak, Bernardo de Irigoyen 826.

-Thursday, December 3, 18:00-20:00: Guided visit of the exhibit “In the Footsteps of the Basque Language.  The Basque Language and its Presence in Argentina” along with Basque delegate Sara Pagola.  Roundtable “Don’t cry for me, Argentina, I will speak your language but also mine.”  Experiences of immigration and language conservation by directors of language programs in Greek (Giorgios Diakakis), Welsh, Ukranean and Euskera (José Fco. Zinkunegi). Moderator: Pablo Ubierna. Place: Book and Language Museum, Auditorium, Avda. Las Heras 2555. 

Closing of the campaign “Euskaldun berri,” where clubs will name a place in their town or their club this.  The campaign is organized by Eusko Ikaskuntza as part of the ENE prize 2015, an award in favor of Basque.


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