basque heritage worldwide


Sabrina Otegui Buenos Aires

Sabrina Otegui Buenos Aires


Kaixo Sabrina, Ezustea, ezta? Buenos Aireseko, eta Argentina osoko, eta Euskal Herriko zure lagunok ezin genuen gaurko eguna pasatzen utzi besarkada handi-handi eta bero-bero bat bidali gabe. Zorion biziak eta gure desio onenak zure urtebetetze egunean. Larunbatean festa polita egin eta lagunek inguraturik ospa dezazula! A, eta zorionak zure EGA titulu dotorearengatik. Izerditu duzu eta merezi zenuen. Polita izan zen zu La Platan ikustea lehendakariaren eskuetatik hartzen. Zure ikasle, ikasle ohi eta, oro har, adiskideok, harro gaude oso.

Hi, Sabrina,

Probably you didn´t expect this, but a group of your Basque language students, former students and friends wanted to send you real big hug (besarkada bero-beroa) and wish you the best for your birthday. We are proud of you, it was so nice to see how president Ibarretxe gave you just a few days ago, at the Basque Argentinian National Week in La Plata, the EGA certificate of Euskara after all the effords we know you dedicated to your commitment with the Basque language and culture...

Thank you, and Happy birthday!!!

[Pictures, Sabrina (black t-shirt) surrounded by some of her Basque language students in Buenos Aires]


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