euskal diaspora eta kultura


Mikel de Luis

Mikel de Luis
Mikel Treviño de Luis (1974ko otsailak 3 - 2023ko urtarrilak 31)

2023/02/02 - New York, AEB

Mikel de Luis sukaldari eta gastronomia arloko enpresari bilbotarrra, New Yorken finkatua eta Manhattanen Haizea jatetxe & Txokoaren jabe eta Amona gastronomia produktu-gamaren eta ebentu enpresaren jabe zena tupustean hil da. Bere bizitza borroka bizia izana zen bere sukaldaritza proiektuak aurrera atera eta leku bat egiteko arlo honetan. Atheticzale handia zen eta New England Basque Club eta EENY bezalako euskal etxeen laguntzaile. Bere sare sozialek adierazi dute bere konpainiak itxita daudela besterik esan ezean. Ekitaldi bat bere oroiz otsailaren 7an, asteartea egingo da, goizeko 10etatik eguerdia arte, Reddens Funeral Home-n, helbidea: 325 14th St. (8th & 9th Ave artean) New York Hirian. Gogoan Bego (GB).

Hona ingelesez banatu duten bere heriotz-oharra:

It is with profound sadness that we announce the unexpected and untimely passing of our beloved Chef Mikel de Luis.

Mikel was passionate and charming. He was fully invested in whatever he was doing and his passion was infectious.

He was on a mission of making real Basque cuisine known in the New York food scene with his beautiful creations.

Mikel had a natural manner about him that drew everyone in and created real personal connections throughout his lifetime, making each of us feel important to him. That was the overarching characteristic that permeated every aspect of his life.

He was a genuine force of nature, standing out amongst those we meet as one of the “Unforgettables.”

His premature death has shaken us to our core and he is deeply, achingly missed.

Rest in peace, beloved Mikel. Your team, family and friends will miss you deeply.

To honor this passionate, wonderful man, proudly Basque, a diehard Athtletic Bilbao fan & talented Chef, Mikel de Luis, please Join Us for a viewing Tuesday February 7th, 2023 10am-noon at Reddens Funeral Home 325 14th St. (bet 8th & 9th Ave) NYC.


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Bera Bera 73
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170

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