euskal diaspora eta kultura


David Lachiondo

David Lachiondo
Dave Lachiondo Patricia emazteaz, alabez eta familiaz inguratuta

2020/08/07 - Boise, AEB

1947ko maiatzaren 29a - 2020ko abuztuaren 7a

David Kenneth Lachiondo hil da gaur goizean, etxean, Boisen, azkenaldian osasunez larri ibili ostean.

Gogora dezagun Dave Lachiondo oso pertsona ezaguna eta estimatua zela Boisen, euskal komunitatearen baitan, baina baita oro har hirian, irakaskuntzan eta giro akademikoan bereziki, euskal gauzez gain, alor hauei eskaini baitzikien bere ahaleginak, familiari eta herritar gisako konpromisoei baita ere.

Aurten bertan, urte hasieran, Outstanding Achievement in the Humanities Award (Lorpen Nabariko Humanitateen Saria) eman zion Idahoko Humanitateen Kontseiluak (IHC). 

Ibarrangelun jaiotako Julian Lachiondoren eta Ispaster eta Markinako jatorriko Lydia Gandiagaren semea, Ameriketan jaiotako euskaltzale honek tinko eustsi zion bizitza osoan komunitatearekiko aktibotasun konpromisoari, batez ere euskal arloan eta hezkuntzan.

Bere emazte Patriciarekin batera --hau ere engaiatua Boiseko euskal bizitzan, bereziki Euskal Museoan--, Diana eta Aliciaren aita zen, bi alabak engaiatuak oso Boiseko euskal bizitzan; NABO Udalekuetan ibiliak, Oinkariko dantzari izanak eta euskarari ere lotuak, Dianaren kasuan bereziki euskara maila ederra lortu zuen emakumea baita gaur egun Ada Konderriko Komisionatu hautetsia den Diana Lachiondo. Lachiondotarren etxean --eta kateak segitzen du biloben belaunaldian ere-- ezaugarri izan dute euskaltasuna eta konpromisoa euskal kulturari eusten eta zabalkundea ematen.

Dave Lachiondok ohoretzat zeukan bere guraso eta aiton-amonengandik jasotako euskaltasuna atxiki, prestijiatu eta zabaltzeko lana eta Idahoko eskola-sisteman irakasle, hezitzaile, administrari eta bokaziozko eragile izatearekin batera, beti izan zen euskal komunitatearen barnean pertsona aktibo eta ekarlea, historia eta euskal kultura irakatsiz --baita ere eskusoinua haur eta gazteei-- eta Boise State Universityko (BSU) Euskal Ikasketa Programako zuzendari ere izan zelarik, irakasle lanak kudeaketakoekin aldiberekotuz. Koherentzia eta etika maila altua beti izan zituen gidari.

Hona abuztuaren 11ean IdahoStatesman, argitara emandako heriotz-oharra:

David Lachiondo passed away peacefully in the early hours of Friday, August 7, 2020 at home with his wife Patricia by his side.

Dave was born on May 29, 1947 to Julian and Lydia Lachiondo in Boise, Idaho. His sister Julie followed 2 years later and together they joined a loving and boisterous Basque family. The Lachiondo family lived on the Boise bench and on Hays street in the North End, across from St. John's Cathedral. Family members, such as grandmother, Juliana Gandiaga, and Cousins Simon Achabal and Rash Iglesias lived in the Lachiondo family's house over the years.

Growing up in the Basque community, Dave did not speak fluent English until he began attending first grade at St. Joseph's. For much of his first year of formal schooling, he ran home to see his Amuma at every recess and lunch break and had to be taken back to school under duress – quite the start for a person who eventually earned a PhD in Educational Leadership. After St. Joe's, Dave attended St. Teresa's Academy until its closing, and was in the first graduating class at Bishop Kelly High School in 1965 which was the beginning his lifelong love for the school.

After attending St. Mary's College in California and embarking on a career in education, Dave returned home to Idaho get his Master's in Counseling at Idaho State University, where he met the love of his life, Patricia Smedley. Dave succeeded in winning over his future father-in-law where others had not, with his excellent rendition of the "Beer Barrel Polka" on the accordion.

Dave and Patti married and settled in Boise where Dave continued his career in education, first as a counselor and then as vice principal at Boise High. Dave moved on to serve as the Principal of Fairmont Junior High before being called to serve as the Principal of Bishop Kelly High School. During his time at BK, Dave built relationships with staff, teachers, parents and students to help create a culture of academic excellence, community and faith. He was known as a tough disciplinarian with a heart of gold to the young people he worked with.

Dave's daughters, Diana and Alicia were his pride and joy. He instilled the values of hard work and an ethic of service in his girls and inspired them to carry on his legacy of service to community. He was overjoyed to become a grandfather at the birth of grandson Henry and subsequently, his father's namesake, Julian. He shared his love of baseball, Notre Dame and even silly jokes with his grandsons.

Dave's love for his Basque heritage was evident in his many activities within the local Basque community. He played accordion for the children's dance groups and for the Ikastola, Basque pre-school. He was a member of the Biotzetik Basque Choir and played his accordion regularly on First Thursdays at the Basque Museum and Cultural Center. Dave also taught classes in the Basque Studies Program at Boise State University.

In February, Dave received the award for Outstanding Person in the Humanities from the Idaho Humanities Council.

David Lachiondo believed in the power of a good hug, a bright smile and an endless commitment to bettering his community.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Julian and Lydia Lachiondo, his aunt and uncle Carmen and Lou Dobaran, his father-in-law Russell Smedley and his nephew Drew Noble. He is survived by his wife, Patricia, his daughters Diana (Roger Turcotte) and Alicia, his grandsons Henry and Julian, his sister Julie (Mark) Lliteras, sister-in-law Ginger (Scott) Noble, brother-in-law Tim Smedley, mother-in-law Jane Smedley, nephews Jeff (Katie) and Scott Lliteras and family, niece Danielle (Jacob) Williamson, cousin LuAnn (Mike) Stone as well as many other relatives in both the US and the Basque Country.

Due to current health concerns, a private vigil and funeral service will be held for close family and friends. The funeral Mass will be streamed at 11:00 a.m. Friday, August 14th; the YouTube link will be available at A public Mass will be celebrated at a later date, with a reception to follow.

In lieu of flowers, please send memorials to either the Lachiondo Family Scholarship fund at the Bishop Kelly Foundation, 7009 W. Franklin Rd, Boise, 83709, or the Basque Museum and Cultural Center, 611 Grove St. Boise, Idaho 83702.

Goian Bego Dave Lachiondo!


Bidali zurea






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